Comet Me Bro (Preview)

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Do you know the difference between boredom and death?

One, is the embodiment of depression. The single word that strikes fear in us all. The numbing sensation that leaves one paralyzed. An endless abyss of darkness that swallows us whole. Thinking about the idea brings unbearable dread to whomever is unlucky enough to experience it.

The other, is our inevitable end.

But, in reality there is no difference. As humans we fear both aspects. Even if one is only our brains switching off because whatever we find in front of us uninteresting.

That's a startling fact about people. We have developed the idea of boredom and death as comparisons, when one is more detrimental than the other. The phrase we have created, "Bored to death", shows not only how simple our brains are, but also our arrogance. Many would call this quote "creative" which is frivolous since no individual has had an original thought since the stone ages. In fact, I would love to meet the homo-sapiens that invented to wheel. The first and only people to have a creative idea.

I believe that human intelligence has deteriorated since the stone ages. The human intelligence and technology for which we rely on has only been possible by the human tendency to copy original ideas and calling them our own. Phones were created from the human necessity for communication which we have only evolved, not created from scratch. Nothing is original anymore. However, no one has seemed to realize that. Or they have, and not have the guts to actually speak their mind due to our society's trait of sensitivity; where one person can't go whining about another idiotic issue no one cares about.

Being an inventor myself, I know that someone has probably thought about my invention, created it, slapped a cheap advertisement sticker on it, and shipped it off to the highest bidder. But then I realize most people don't have an IQ higher than 130, and that adds just little bit of happiness to my day.

Stepping off my tangent, the comparison of boredom and death is an interesting one. By putting boredom and death on the same pedestal, we make both experiences to be equal. So, would that make the situation I'm in right now, count as my death?

"Clarke, are you even listening to me?!" Mrs. Henderson snapped, her spit flinging itself onto my face. I would have gladly called her 'Ms. Henderson' but — by some unfortunate accident — she is married.

I had to swallow the curse that danced on the tip of my tongue, which would probably get me sent to yet another home. "Yes, Mrs. Henderson," I said monotone, not able to hold back my eye roll.

I took a glance at the kid next to me who looked like he was ready to blast his brains out. I would do the same, but knowing Mrs. Henderson, she would make the both of us wash up the blood off the wallpaper in the afterlife. The best course of action would try to keep my mouth shut and experience my thirty minutes of death. However, my companion did not follow my example.

After listening to five minutes of Mrs. Henderson lecture to not "vandalize" the vending machine in the drug store down the street, the kid next to me could no longer handle the near death experience. However, what she called vandalism is what I call getting-my damn-soda-which-I-paid-two-bucks-for.

"Jesus Christ woman! I'm sorry I wreaked the machine! Can't we just leave with a simple apology?"

I looked at him in the corner of my eye. Scrawny. Red head. Big nosed. Completely unfamiliar to me. Must be a new transfer. It would explain why he snapped back at Mrs. Henderson without realizing the consequences he was facing. Luckily for me, once she blew off her head at him she would completely forget out me.

Mrs. Henderson stopped mid-rant and slowly turned to the new kid, with murderously narrowed eyes. "Excuse me? What did you say?!"

Her wrinkled face grew bright red as a burning fire ignited in her eyes. I was surprised there was no steam pouring out her ears. "I will not tolerate those words in my house, young man!" She pointed a shaking finger at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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