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Abracadabra...... she banged the door

And the door turned back.

Who'd have thought the door

Wasnt actually the door?

A six year old she was

And her best feeling was wonder.

All around she looked,

She found magic; from the

Spider on the wall making his web

To the green grasshopper who

Jumped and prayed simultaneously;

The colors of flowers to the

Water from the sprinklers.

Innocence is literally the ability

To see magic in every little thing;

She spoke to the moon, played with

The butterflies and danced with

The raindrops, having no dues

To this evil world she lost herself

In cackling with the birds, and thus

The magic lived with her even

As she opened the door!

After all magic hapens, only to

Those who believe in it!

Your little ounce of faith, yes

Uncompromising faith is all

You need to see magic before your

Now with that twinkle in

Your eye, go see the magic around!

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