Your Best Friend

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DISCLAIMER: I HIGHLY recommend you play Undertale first!!! It's an amazing experience. Or be a rebel and do whatever. Just don't complain about spoilers. Thanks! <3

     "Chara it's me, your best friend!" You hear a familiar child-like voice. That voice quickly became monstrous. 

"Asriel Dreemurr."


     I decided to climb Mountain Ebott to escape reality. I was tired of everyone, I just wanted to watch the stars. I walked up and paid attention to the beautiful stars. I trip over a root of a tree and I scream out as I fall.

     Golden flowers, I wake up on golden flowers. Dazed, I stand and look up and see the surface. Underground? Is that where I am? It's impossible to climb. I see a corridor to my left and I decide to walk down.

     There's an archway, through it, a little yellowish-gold flower with a kind face greets me.
      "Howdy, I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" The eccentric little flower said while smiling. "You're new to the Underground, aren't ya?" I nod my head yes. "Golly! You must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. I guess little ol' me with have to do!'

     I see a red heart float in front of me, I am so confused. Above me, I see the letters "LV" and a number one next to it. "See that heart?" Flowey said. "That is your soul, the very culmination of your being. Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." I raise my eyebrow. Flowey continues, "What does LV stand for? Why LOVE of course!!! You want some LOVE don't you? I'll share some with you!"

     Little white, spinning, dots appear above Flowey. "Down here, LOVE is shared through little white...friendliness pellets...Move around, get as many as you can!" My gullible self, I run to the "friendliness pellets."

     They hit me and I fall to the ground, hurt, then look up to the flower. The golden flower I thought I could trust grew a horrifying face.
     "YOU IDOIT!" He called out, but his voice was still high-pitched. "In this world it's kill or BE killed!" His laugh was like that of a demon. "Hehe. Die." The white bullets surround me and my soul and they get closer and closer.

//Hope you guys liked that! I'm excited to write this! I'm having fun and I hope you are too. I love and adore Undertale. One request for you all, please PLEASE don't spoil the game for others! It's not fun and I'll find you and surround you in "friendliness pellets." And guess what? My friendliness pellet supply is out so just don't spoil anything, please!


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