To My Brother - Story 1

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A lot of people were jealous of the relationship we had,  whenever I could be, I was next to you. We talked about everything, from that funny looking cloud to how we thought the world was made and I really looked up to you. You were everything I wasn't, smart, strong, confident. I remember when people thought we were dating even though we were related and I was much younger than you.  

None of us were surprised when you passed all of your finals with flying colours and joined the police force, it was your dream after all. But as time went on and life got more stressful for the both of us, you began to change and not for the better. The days spent dealing with criminals made you talk and act rougher and you were no longer to boy who would pick me up and put me on his shoulders. 

You were so very different. 

I finally realised that the night you came home and punched a hole in our bathroom mirror, shattering the glass and cutting up your hand, I was terrified. 

But the thing I don't think I'll ever forget is what you did to me that day. 

I got back from walking the dogs and you were at home, mum and dad had gone shopping while I was out an that was fine. I had just let the dogs into the back-garden, talking about how nice some people were, when you pulled me back inside and called me delusional, I guess I was. You told  me you were going to show me type of you dealt with, I wasn't sure what you meant until I felt my underwear being pulled down and your hand up my shirt. It was painful, one of the most painful things I have ever had to experience, but no matter how many tears fell from my eyes you didn't stop. Once you were done with me you left me where I was, still pressed up against the back door of our small house.  I still can't go through that door. 

See when I was younger my parents used to invite their friends over and they used to drink and sing and, even though I didn't know it back then, they did drugs. But you used this against me, saying that if I told anyone, you had the power to use that to tear the family apart. I was stupid to believe you. You couldn't do anything. 

So to anyone who has had to deal with the same thing as I have, tell somebody. Because no matter their threats they can't do anything against the actual legal system. 

But, even now, 3 entire years after, I can't trust anyone in a police uniform. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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