Where did I go wrong?

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I stared out of the car window glumly. Dan had invited me over to take a tour of his flat. I'm devastated. Why didn't I help him when he ran out of his YouTube funds? Why didn't I at least visit. WHY DIDNT I INTERVENE BEFORE HE GOT A GIRLFRIEND? It's too late to tell the love of my life that I love him. It feels like I ripped my heart out and rubbed it against shattered glass.


I was impatiently tapping my feet on the dusty sidewalk. My uber driver has just cancelled! WHAT DO I DO!! I'm already running late! Ughhhhhh.... This day has taken a turn for the worse. Alright alright. I'll just call a cab. Then my phone died. This just can't get worse. I slowly walk across the street to use the payphone.

I had arrived at Dans house. It was a small flat in the center of London. I was confused to how he was able to get such a flat with his funds. Something's amiss. I walked up to his door bell, when I heard multiple voices coming from the flat. I knocked louder. I shouted, "DANNNN YOU IN THERE?!" He seemed to have noticed me, and slowly walked over to open the door. They stood Dan with a girl. Not just any girl. A hot one. I suddenly became very embarrassed and nervous. "H-h-hi Dan, h-how are y-you?" I shrieked. He just smiled at me and said, "Sveltka, babe, show Phil to the foyer." I immediately hit the floor with a THUMP and my vision clouded into nothing......

(Ps he didn't die, he just passed out)



BYE ^•^

Letters to my Flatmate (Phan fic)Where stories live. Discover now