[Objecthead One Shot] ERROR: NO CONNECTION

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The rounded box flashed on Podcast's screen as he froze in disbelief at the destruction that laid on the ground.

Podcast thought he didn't like kids.


He realized he hated them. He despised every one of those little bastards that scuttled around like a pack of rats, giggling like giddy hyenas ready to pounce on their following victims with pranks so harmful they could cost.

"A fifty dollar music card for the cost of a two hundred dollar microphone, another two hundred for fixing the computer, and endless days of working on my essay..." he whispered venomously as he collected the pieces of his microphone. He knew Volume would have kept her end of the deal. It was the only virtue that existed in her glitched system, and he should have respected that.

The screen head stood up, shaking not in fear, but in volcanic rage that was on the edge of bursting into destructive lava.  Broken pieces rattled against the metallic hand with barely any clinking, his screen shifted view towards his computer, and back onto the crayon and marker plasters upon it.

A small shuffle and chorus of whispers that appeared out of the blue behind him was all needed to twist the tornado underneath the usual seasoned student.

Screen flashed red, he twisted around with the heated glare of WARNING flashing vibrantly at the smaller screenheads.

"Why you fucking rascals dare come back after you ruined my life?!" he roared, the screen just turning even brighter, the red saturated even further then before. The whole world turned into the aggressive vibrations, melting into the tints and shades of literal red.

The smaller screens shivered in fright as they sprinted away like gazelles, as Podcast cared less but to chase them down and make them pay.

* * *

So I needed to write, and I know I can't do 3,000 words, heck not even freaking 400 words!

But then I was reminded, I don't need to write masterpieces

So here's a one shot of Podcast as he stayed with his parents for the break, and at the same time all his cousins were staying with him, and that lead to disaster as listed above, along with other things

Also, Volume is his younger sister :P She pretty much told him that if he paid her 50 bucks for just music, she'll be happy to try and stop their cousins from rampaging around. Podcast, being an idiot, was like "Hell no I ain't paying that" and that was the result

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