Untitled Part 1

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Mairin's POV

'He left. He left without me.' That's all that I could think of as I ride the helicopter back to the Kalos region. 

"Chespin ches." I look down at the Chespin that is sitting in my lap, as it looks at me with a concerned expression.

 "I'm okay Chespie. Really I am." I say in an attempt to calm his nerves. 

"Che che ches." he repies with a doubtful look, but at least he left it alone for a bit.

I know that he left me behind so that i wont get into anymore dangerous situations and that he cares about me and all. But that still doesnt make me miss him any less. I nod off to sleep with him still in my thoughts.

I wake up some time later in time to see the helicopter land. Chespie was still asleep in my lap as I looked out the windows to get my bearings. Nothing, nothing as far as the eye could see. Well there was some stuff but it was just barren cliffs, rocks, and sand. I didnt see any water and there were no pokemon to be seen in the land or sky. All in all it was pretty desolate. I started to get a bit nervous as I moved Chespie from my lap to the seat. 

"Ches ches ches." Chespin protested softly. 'Hmm, cute.' I then wen to go find the pilot to ask where we are at the moment. I finally see him outside talking to a Garchomp. 'Hey, that Garchomp looks familiar.'

Alain's POV

"Alain. Hey, Alain!" I snapped back into focus as Steven snaps his fingers in front of my face. 

"Uhh, yeah, what?" "

You were spaced out basically the whole time I was talking. What's wrong?" he asked with slight concern. 'Yeah, what is wrong?' I think even though i know the answer. 'Mairin.' She has been in my mind ever since I left her. I had to. But that didnt mean i wanted to. 'But why? 'She is just a friend. A friend who i would do anything to protect and her the same. A friend of which when she smiles give me chills, but good ones. A friend whose eyes rivals the sunset themselves. 'A friend...who I miss.' But why? I focus back on Steven was currently talking and hadnt noticed that I had spaced out again. 

"Anyway we are about to land at Lysander's lab ." Steven tells me as he gets ready to get off. 

"Hmm." was my only answer as i space out again.

Mairin's POV

'Hey, that Garchomp looks familiar'. As I near the pilot and his Garchomp, an uneasy feeling came but i pushed it away as i neared the pilot. 

"This is a great plan Garchoo." said the pilot. 'Garchoo?' Why does that sound familiar and the voice too, but couldn't quite place it. 

"Hey, where are we?" i asked startling the two. As they turned around, I suddenly remembered why they were so familiar to me.

Normal POV

"Aren't you Dragon Tamer Remo? You know the one that lost to my friend Alain?'' Mairin asks. 

''Yes and he made a fool out of me. I do NOT like being made a fool of.'' Remo replies with a dark tint to his voice. ''And where we are is a place where there is no other people or pokemon for miles and miles around.'' he then says with bit of a sly smirk to his face. 

''Oh, uh, well i'll just get back in the helicopter and wait for us to lift off again.'' says Mairin as she wonders mildly as how he is the pilot in the first place. As she turned around Remo grabs her wrist and pulls her toward him. 

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