Untitled Part 2

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Mairins POV

I eyed Remo warily after that call he had made. 

''I know what you are thinking. I would not rape you, I have boundaries you know. I only said that because him thinking that will make him come faster.'' Remo replied with an air of smug dignifance. 'So you will kidnap a young girl, beat her up every 2-3 hours, kill her pokemon, and murder her if someone dont come get her. But yet you have boundaries.' 

''When Alain gets here, just you wait, he is gonna hand your ass to you. You can't do this to someone and get away with it. Just-just because you're a sore loser!'' I shot at him. 

''Why you..'' Remo growls as he uses his back hand to slap me...hard. 'Ow that hurts.' I think as I rub the left side of my face.

 "For starters, dont you ever use that tone of voice at me! I can kill you now you know. And second I gave Alain the coordinates to another place not exactly here, I will go to that place to fight him. Just in case no one pulls anything under my nose.'' said Remo. ''And you say that he is your friend but really you're just a burden. Think about it, all those times that he had to save you from dangerous situations and all the times he tried to make you go somewhere else and out of his buisness. No wonder Alain justs drops you off without giving it much thought in the first place. And now he has to save you again, just like a burden would do.'' 

''Thats not true! I am not a burden to him." I say to him my face turning red from anger. 

''What ever floats your boat.'' he says as he leaves the room, locking it back behind him. 'Thats not true...is it?'

Alain's POV

After that moment that I had, me and Steven went back to Lysander's lab/office. 

"Its gonna be okay.'' Steven says as he pats my back and take his seat next to Metagross. 

''Char chari.'' I turned around to see my Charizard looking at me.

 ''I'm fine. Just a bit upset.'' I said as I scratched his snout a bit. 

''Char charizard cha.'' Charizard growled showing about as much anger about it as I had then whimpered show every bit of amount as saddness as I had too. 'Its as if he feels eveything that I feel.' 

''If you are wondering, pokemon can feel the emotions and feelings of their trainers and since Charizard can mega evolve its probably stronger.'' said Lysander as if noting my confusion. 

''Its okay buddy please dont feel bad.'' I said trying to lift my pokemon spirits up a bit. 

'' Did you find anything on Mairin's location?'' I asked. 

''Yes, and it turns out its not that far from here only about 35 miles from here.'' Lysander says while looking at the computer screen with all the information.'So close but yet so far.' 

''Although the call didn't come from where the coordinates are, it came from a place not that far from the meeting area. But everytime we try to pin locate it, this error sign keeps popping up; so we don't know exaclty where she is. But apparently she is either in or near this desert called Death Valley.'' said Steven, also reading some of the information. 'Death Valley, how...ironic' I think bitterly. 

''But thats all the info and data that we have, how about you go for a walk down the trail thats about 10 miles from here to get your mind off things, while we figure this out some more. You can take one of the cars in the back. We will call you if we get anything.'' says Lysander as he turns back to the computer. I then called Charizard back into his pokeball and went on my way.

I finally got there in about 20 minutes and had just started on the trail when a green and brown pokemon landed in front of my path.

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