Untitled Part 3

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Mairin's POV

'I'm not a burden...am I?' I think about what Remo had said, and I know that I'm not supposed to belive him and all. But what he says do carry some truth. Alain do often have to rescue me alot. From saving me from mega evolved pokemon to times where I am clumsy and trip and fall into places, he does have to save me alot. 'And at first he did try to lose me a bit or tell me to go stand somewhere else.' And thats also true a bit too. At first he didn't want me following him around, and he did try to lose me after I had gone to the PokeCenter to care for Flabebe. And when he was talking to Lysander he did tell me to go stand somewhere else. 'But we are friends, aren't we?' I think with a little bit of uncertainty.

I continue to think about Alain and how he is and how he looks. His purplish-blue hair, his steely blue eyes, and well everything else. How he is really determined to become the strongest of all mega evolved pokemon and stand at the summit, how he battles others with such determination and vigor. How he cares for the well being of all pokemon. And how he tries to make his dream a reality. Also with me following along might be hindering his chance of following that dream. And... how I love him. So even when they come to save me, I must stay out of his way and just simply avoid him. 'For him and his dream.'

Alain's POV

I had just finally started walking on a trail, when a green and brown pokemon collasped in front of me.

 ''Are you okay?'' I asked the barely conscioness...'chespin'. 'The Chespin then looked up to me and ran towards me, limping slightly. 

''Chespin ches!'' it said as it tumbled toward me. I caught it before it hit the ground. 'Wait somethng about this Chespin looks familiar.' 

''Chespie?'' I asked cautiously. 

''Ches chepin ches.'' it says excitily while nodding its head.

 ''But I thought you were dead. Do you know where Mairin is?'' I asked Chespie. 

''Chespin ches.'' Chespie said as it used its vines to lead me where I presume Mairin is when he promptly fell to the ground. 

''Chespie!'' I called as I immediatly ran to his side. Upon closer inspection it seems as if Chespie has some serious damage and he is not breathing properly. I take Chespie, run to the car and drive as fast as I could to Lysander's lab.

As I entered through the door, Lysander is the first one to greet me. 

''Ah, there you are Alain, I was just about to ca-'' he stops as he notices the badly injured pokemon that I am holding. 

''Isn't that?'' Steven asks as he gets a closer look. 

''It is. Its Chespie and he knows where exactly Mairin is. But he is very badly injured and fainted right after I found him.'' I replied as I handed Chespie to Lysander.

 ''I'll take him straight to the Pokemon Emergency Ward.'' Lysander said as he left quickly with Chespie.

Two and an half hours later Chespie came back all good and well. Chespie was sitting in my lap as we questioned him a bit. 

''Who attacked you?'' Lysander asked. 

''Was it Garchomp?'' I asked too. 

''Chepin ches.'' Chespie said while nodding its head while also pointing at the mega stone on my wrist. 

''A mega evolved Garchomp? That would possibly explain the injuries.'' Steven said as he petted Chespie on the head. 

''Yes, but how did you escape?'' I asked him. Chespie then jumped down from my lap and went to the middle of the floor. He then used Double Team and pretended to use Dig so he wouldn't ruin the floor, and well Lysander's lab/office is on the 20th floor. 

''So thats how you got away. And I presume Garchomp couldn't figure out which one was the real one?'' Lysander asked as Chespie finished his display. 

''Che che chespin.'' Chespin replied back as he climbed back into my lap and went to sleep. 

''Aren't we gonna ask him where Mairin is?'' Steven asks. 

''Well you have to think about it, if Mairin's location is as far as you say it is and him travelling all that way with those injuries, he is probably tired. We should let him rest for the night.'' I say while petting Chespie. 'Chespie looks really cute sleep.' I then pull out the pokeball camera and took a picture of Chespie. ' Dont worry Mairin we're gonna save you.' I think as I put the camera back in my pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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