Chapter 2

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When Carrie had woken up, we decided to eat something. We never ate much as it was hard to get food in this apocalypse. PJ opened the bag of nuts that was almost empty.

"Is that all we have left?" I asked.

Carrie handed me a small bag of dried fruit. "We still have a little bit of this, but... yeah..."

Oh God. We were running out of food, and that meant only one thing.

"We have to go to the nearest city," I said. It was the only option.

"Are you mad?" PJ exclaimed, "The cities are crowded with zombies!"

"I know," I said, "but it's either that or starve to death."

"I'd rather starve than become the living dead."

Carrie didn't say anything. It wasn't the first time PJ and I had a disagreement, and I knew how much she hated it, but PJ really needed to sort out his priorities.

"I'm not going to sit here and wait to die," I said.

"Of course, Phil," PJ said, a little skeptical. "You're just going to run right into death's arms."

"Guys, stop," Carrie said, clearly annoyed of our argument. "I think Phil's right... I mean, we've got to try."

With that, we packed the few things we had and made ourselves ready to go.

"It's been quite silent the past few days," Carrie said to me. She spoke soft, making sure PJ didn't hear us.

"I know," I said, "but I haven't seen anyone or anything, so that's a good thing, I guess."

"Yeah..." She didn't sound convinced.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry, okay? It'll be fine," I whispered in her ear.

"I hope so," she said, then pulled away. "Come on, we should get going."

Just as I grabbed my gun, I heard PJ say: "Uh... guys...? Guess we're in trouble..."

"What? What's wrong?" Carrie asked. She looked out of the window PJ was staring out. "Oh shit."

Our building was surrounded by zombies, and not just a few. There were so many of them, I couldn't even count them all.

I wondered why they came to this building, because this was so far away from the city. They couldn't know we were here... right?

"What are we gonna do?" PJ asked.

"We'll... we'll take the back door," I said, hoping there would be less of them at the back of the building.

"What then?" Carrie asked, terror filling her big brown eyes.


We were standing at the back door, and as I carefully glanced outside through a little window, I noticed there were indeed less zombies here than on the other side. I wondered for how long.

"Ready?" I asked, grabbing the door handle.

PJ replied with a "No," just as Carrie replied with "Let's go".

I pushed the door handle down and opened the door. As soon as the zombies saw movement, they focused their dead gaze on us.

"Run," I said to PJ and Carrie who were still behind me. We ran out of the building as fast as we could, through the group of zombies. I shot a few that were too close to me.

Zombies could run, I knew that. They weren't the slow, stumbling creatures as in the movies. No, they came after us, slowly catching up.

I kept shooting, not knowing in which direction I was running. I saw PJ on my left and Carrie on my right, both doing the same. Running and shooting; that wass all we needed to do. The zombies couldn't run forever, they would get tired.

Unfortunately, we would as well...

I fired another shot behind me, and just as I watched where I had actually aimed at, I wished I could take the bullet back.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion now as I followed the bullet with my eyes. I shouted at Carrie to get away from the gas station, but I knew it was too late.

There was a blinding flash followed by an incredible loud noise and Carrie's scream, and a shockwave right after, that blew away everything in its path. I fell to the ground and saw limbs flying through the air. They weren't mine, or PJ's, but unfortunately neither the zombies's.

I just lay there, not bothering to stand up. I had just killed Carrie. It was my own stupid mistake for not aiming.

"Come on, Phil!" It was PJ's voice, close to my ear as he tried to pull me up.

"But Carrie..." was all I could say.

"There's nothing you can do, Phil! She's dead!" The words came out harsh, like someone kicked me in my stomach, but I knew he was right. I got up, stumbled, and then we ran for our lives.

Thanks for reading the first two chapters ^^ Hope you liked it, and I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow!

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