Chapter 6

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The arguments between Tyler and Louise continued for the next few days, and the others started to argue with them. I was the only one who stayed out of it, and went to the attic every time they started.

Dan's group did have food and supplies, which we had divided into rations for everyone and for every day. The worrying part was that there was almost nothing left. And that meant we had to go to the city.

I kept watching Emma's videos. In video five and six she talked more about the apocalypse.

"I don't know if I will actually survive this whole thing, but to be honest, I don't think I will. Many people I know have already died, and there are not that many humans still out there," she said at the end in video six. "I don't know how long this camera is going to live," she laughed, "but if someone ever finds this and watches these few videos, I think you'll be wondering why I keep making these videos. Well... these are some of my memories. You're holding a little piece of my life in your hands right now... and memories are important; it's important to remember these memories, even if they're not yours."

I thought about what Emma had said for a minute. I had watched this videos quite some times, but it was like I heard the words for the first time now. Maybe she was right. Memories were important.

I continued watching video seven. I knew what was going to happen, but every time I saw the video I wished I could erase it from my mind.

She was in the attic and was talking about some random stuff when some stumbling was heard in the background.

"I wondered what that was," she said and walked to the door with the camera in one hand and opened it with the other. She screamed when she saw the group of zombies walking up the stairs, walking towards her. One of them grabbed Emma's leg and she screamed even louder. The camera fell out of her hands, on the place I had found it.

I turned the camera off and heard it was raining outside. For once I was glad Dan had brought us here under a roof.

Suddenly I got an idea. It was crazy, and absolutely ridiculous, but I turned on the camera again. I pointed the camera at me and turned the screen around so I could see myself now. I pressed record.

"Hey, I'm Phil and welcome to my first video blog."


Where is the delete button?

Just at that moment, Dan came up in the attic.

"Hey," he said, "What are you doing up here?"

"Nothing special," I answered, pointing the camera at him. "This is Dan, and we live here in this house with a few others to hide for the zombies."

"What? No! Why are you filming?" Dan walked towards me, grabbed the camera out of my hands and pointed it at me. "Say something to your viewers, Phil," he said.

"I don't think I have any viewers," I said, and we both had to laugh.

"Then sing something."

"Uhm... I chimed in saying haven't you people ever heard of..."

"Now's not the time, Phil," Dan said, smiling a little, as we both imagined zombies chiming in.

Then, we suddenly heard someone scream downstairs.




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