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   Crap... Looks like Alex wasn't as inconspicuous as he had hoped. Things just got significantly more difficult.
   "Look, dad," Thunder starts. "I need you to hear me out."
   "Oh... No..." Sadu mutters, horrified by the implications of what he's hearing. "What has that filthy grass snake told you? I'll be sure to burn him to cinders when we get our hands on him..."
   "Listen to me! This war has no point! Say you find a way to kill Zoroark Azva. What then? You can't just resume an old life! Not after everything you've done!"
   "That Zoroark did that already. Killed my wife, sent you away, and ruined my career. I have nothing left to lose."
   "How many have died since this started? Hundreds? Well the longer this goes on, the higher that number will climb. And the more lives that get ruined."
   "As soon as that murderous blackfur is six feet under, I can rest easy."
   "But it won't stop there! These people hate each other with passion. You leave, the war doesn't end. It keeps going. And you'll still be a target."
"Then I will fight until they all die if I need to."
"Dad! Listen to yourself! Killing off an entire species of Pokemon?! I don't care how much you want them dead, I can't let you do something this violent!"
Sadu's expression turns somber. "...I didn't want to do this, Dova. But you leave me no choice. Jasi, apprehend him."
"What?!" Thunder stares into his father's eyes, shocked by what he's hearing. Jasi is quick to hit him with Thunder Wave, rendering him defenseless. "You can't do this! I'm your son!"
"Take him to his sleeping quarters. Post guards to monitor him. But make sure they don't use lethal force." Sadu turns to his son, saddened. "I promise that once this is over you'll be free to go. But I need to make sure you don't get in the way. I'm sorry."
"Father... Please..." But Sadu did nothing. Thunder is, sadly, forced to accept defeat. His father is too bent on revenge, even at the cost of so many lives. He can't believe that this is happening... All three are silent as he is taken to his tent and put inside. Guards take their positions in front of the entryway, determined not to let him past.
"Alex..." He says quietly to himself. "I hope you're having better luck than me..."

   "How much further?" I ask. We've been traveling northward for quite some time. I'm still on edge as I don't completely know if I can trust my new friend. But I've come this far...
   "Not far." He replies. "It's within the caves to the north of Cerulean Lake,"
   "Good. Maybe I can rest a little when we get there." A brief silence envelopes us. "Question, what made you join the war? You don't seem so keen on fighting."
   "Mostly my parents. Arceus bless their souls. They fought because they were targeted. Not because of hatred. Not being unnecessarily cruel. So when they died I... I wanted to honor their memories. But I'm not much of a fighter, but I'm quite good with illusions."
   "So they assigned you to espionage duty?"
   "Yeah. I was feeding them information for quite a while."
   "Wait, if you knew where their base was for do long, why haven't they attacked it?"
   "Asva isn't too keen on sending Zoroark to a battle that will have such a high mortality rate. It would be a costly fight to break through the defenses and then tear through the base. Instead, my task is to whittle down their defenses so we would have an easier time."
   "Makes sense."
   "Alright. We're here. Stay close. They don't like outsiders."
   "Don't worry. I'm used to it." I let Zorua lead the way, knowing he'd be much more easily trusted. The guards stationed at the entrance look at him with relieved surprise.
   "Poki? Your alive! When you failed to check in yesterday we feared the worst." Ah. His pack name is Poki. Ugh, Azva Kavi, Sadu, Dova, Kosa, these pack names are so easy to mix up...
   "It's good to see you too, Yuni. If it wasn't for Alex here I would have most certainly died."
"Then you have our thanks, Alex." She says as she turns to me.
"Happy to help. Now... I have a favor to ask. I need to speak with Azva." With that, they tense up, I can only assume that they are now suspicious of my intentions.
"And why is that?" Yuni asks.
"He wants this war over." Poki answers. "Without bloodshed. He's hoping to make progress in soothing relations."
"I've got a friend doing the same with the Raichu. Between the both of us we're hoping to end the war."
The guards think for a moment. "...very well. But we will escort you. Do not stray away from us."
"Fair enough. Let's go."


The Zoroark base is cramped, dark and claustrophobic. With very little light, with the exception of the occasional lantern, navigation is extremely difficult. I'm glad we have guides to show us the way, otherwise I'd be very lost.
Eventually the tunnels open up into a large underground chamber. The chamber is decorated with multiple lanterns, making it the brightest part of the base we've been to. I can see multiple tunnels branching out to, presumably, different parts of the base.
We approach one of the tunnels. The walls are lined with doors marked with numbers. I'm guessing resting quarters. We walk up to the door marked #139 and Yuni knocks.
"Sir, we have someone who wishes to speak with you."
"Let them in." An older voice calls from the other side. Yuni opens the door and let's us enter. We are greeted to the sight of an aged Zoroark. His fur has begun to grey in places, creating a stark contrast to his mostly black fur. "So, who might you be?"
"Alex Russet. Leader and co-founder of Team New Hope. I trust you've heard of us."
"Absolutely. Of course, your relationship with your Pikachu friend may not sit will with some of our people here. But enough of that. You have something to say?"
"Yes. I'd like to be a neutral party in peace talks for ending the war."
"...Peace... Such a different goal. I admit, I've entertained the thought myself. Wondered if this was all worth it."
"So you're willing to hear me out?"
"No, he is not." A gruff voice from behind us interrupts. "There will be no negotiations. Only the enemy's annihilation." Turning around I see another Zoroark. This one clearly battle worn with several large scars adorning his body. Poki shrinks away in fear at this newcomer. Not a good sign.
"Who're you?" I ask.
"My name is Zoroark Kavi. And you're not welcome here."

Pokèmar Episode III: Thunder's PastWhere stories live. Discover now