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It was a crystal clear morning when Luke's bike raced across the pebbley concrete. "Why can't my parents just drive me to school like all the normal kids' parents do?", said Luke as he raced to school before he was late.

Truth is Luke wasn't at all a normal kid in a normal family. His parents are divorced and they hate each other so much, they have two houses that aren't touching each other and Luke's "House" in the middle. He is supplied with food and some toys but he has to bike everywhere. It was a pain to him but he can go anywhere anytime. That is one thing that was a plus to his life. He could go over or invite friends over at anytime.

Meanwhile, He had reached the school. Friends walked over to him as he walked over to park his bike. The bell started ringing so he started off to the school at a light jog so he wouldn't miss the bell. He could hear all the groups of people talking around.

"Did you hear about the storm?"

"Is it going to be bad"

"I hope it's not going to be Katrina all over again.", they said.

"What storm?", he said to his friend Jake.

"You mean you haven't heard about Ike yet?"

"Who is Ike? Is he a new student?"

"Worse, he is a hurricane that is rapidly turning into a category two hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean!"


''Yeah they're calling it the storm of the century. People are already packing up to go. The Mayor is almost calling for evacuation!"



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