Can I Just Watch Some Cartoons?

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"Wow... I just am at a loss of words.but seriously is it that bad? These hurricanes just don't hit here like New Orleans or those sorts of places!!" "I'm NOT kidding! After today, school is going to be cancled for the next week, or two, well... If the even is a school" "Yeah you're really making me feel safer and safer!!" Well, school just seemed to fly by... Until it was over. When I got home I JUST WANTED TO WATCH CARTOONS!! But NOOOO They, Like, Have to broadcast every little thing they know about it!! The cartoon channels, they have closed down because they are packing up or something!!!

Now then, I thought what happens If I get separated?? Well, my church would probably let me in! "Darn!", I exclaimed! We don't have a basment?? Where will we be during the storm? My brain was racing through all these questions, so I got a headache! Well, then ill just lie down....

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