Hyungwon - Delay

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Chae Hyungwon

You were working as an intern at a modelling agency for your placement in University

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You were working as an intern at a modelling agency for your placement in University. A few weeks ago, your mentor had assigned you to aid one of the male models, Hyungwon with all the shoots he has coming up.
You walked into the dressing room with a drink you have prepared for Hyungwon.

"Good morning Hyungwon, I have brought a drink for you," you greeted. He turned around, surprised at your kindness.

"Oh, thank you Y/N!" He thanked taking the drink. As you were leaving the room, you bumped into a member of staff.

"You are the intern for Hyungwon, right?" He asked.


"Can you please tell him that hair and make-up will be delayed due to some mix ups?"

"Sure no problem," you reply. The staff thanked you, and you walked back to the dressing room. You saw Hyungwon talking with some other people. As you approached him, you politely tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned around on his chair.

"The stylists are delayed," you told him. He turned back to the table laying his head on it in frustration.

"Wow, great," he mumbled under his breath, face palming.

"Is there anything I can do?" You asked, feeling sorry. He stat there silent for a moment, then looked up at you while rubbing his chin in deep thought.

"Why don't you style me up? As a model, you should know about cosmetology and so on." You were taken by surprise. You weren't the best at make-up but you knew a lot of things from YouTube.

"I can give it a try, but if I mess up your face, you have permission to kill me." You heard Hyungwon snickering but you were dead serious. You scavenged for some products to use, then got started. His face was a piece of paper about to rip.
You put on the foundation then started at his silky eyebrows, and going soft on the eye make-up. You would make a few mistakes and brush them away, feeling his beautiful skin. Contour was your least favourite and favourite part. You nearly broke the contour stick and his nose, and he kept on teasing you about it. You contoured his cheek bones and his sharp jawline, touching and brushing it to get to the right places across his soft skin. You highlighted, enhancing his already natural glow, making him look so handsome.You finally got to his luscious lips that everyone died for. You decided to go for the K-Pop ambre lips. You used your fingers to apply it and his lips felt so plump and soft. You were literally getting lost in all his beauty. You sprayed the setting spray and...

"Voila, I am done!" You spun his chair around to the mirror, and his whole face widened.

"This is amazing!" He cheered, looking in every angle in the mirror, touching his face.

"Not only you look absolutely stunning to be a model but you are a pro at make-up!" His words got you flattered.

"Hyungwon, your stylists have arrived, please make your way to room 211," the staff told Hyungwon.

"I will tell my management who you are and what you did today, you might get noticed!" He exclaimed. The staff motioned for him to hurry up, and as he walked passed you, he whispered in your ear,

"We should hang out sometime." He put something in your hand, and by the time you turned around the door shut. You looked back to your palms to see he wrote his number and when to meet up with him on a piece of paper.
I don't wear make-up so if I got it all wrong 🎼Mianhe, mianhe, hajima🎼

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