Don't Move

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~ idk if this is a good story or not let me know~

Bec helped her get undressed and into some nice pj's he didn't even stop to look at her naked body. I guess he was more interested in her health at that moment. Once in bed he rushed to the bathroom rummaged around until her found her make up remover and took off her makeup. After it was all off he stopped and stared at her. She look confused and demanded to know what he was looking at. "Your face," he said "It's so beautiful without makeup." He sat down at the edge of the bed in shock. She laughed and said "Is it that big of a deal that im pretty without makeup" he looked and her and nodded cleared his throat and said "Yes, yes it is cause I didn't think there was anything more beautiful then your face with makeup and now you go and surprise me with this masterpiece.". She sat in astonishment at his words she had always thought she needed to be prettier to get his attention she alway thought she wasn't good enough. All she ever wanted was for him to like her. She had liked him since she met him two years ago. He was such a amazing guy. He smiled at you. She smiled back. He kissed her forehead and she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up in a cold sweat. He looked at her from across the room in the rocking chair where he was sitting. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked. She quickly shook her head and then coughed into her elbow. When she drew back her elbow she was surprised to see blood there.  Bec quickly stood up and rushed over to her side of the room. "Are you okay?!? Don't move I'll call someone  I'll get some towels. Don't move I'll me right back." He quickly said. He rushed out of the room just as she started coughing again. Each cough came with more blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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