Sick Little Bird Part 1

175 4 33

Dedicated to norapanda6

Hope you in joy it's actually my first young justice fanfic
Also just random art work.

Robin arrived the mountain doing his best not to fall over as his headache grew worse. He made his way to the couch ploping down next to super boy who was silently watching the TV or in other words static. Megan was obviously still in the kitchen making cookies, he was just hoping they wouldn't get any missions today.

"Kidflash B03" (I don't remember their numbers)

KF suddenly flashed (lol) into the room and practically tackled Robin . "Rooobbb I was SOO bored! Let's play some video games!" Robin grimaced at the loudness of his voice and nodded getting up to follow his best friend to where they had set up their game systems.

The two played for about an hour Robin being uncharacteristically quiet even when Wally claimed he was cheating and hacked the game. Robin just rolled his eyes trying to suppress the need to pass out or throw up.
Robin knew he should have listened to Alfred 'alwase eat properly, alwase get as much sleep as possible while still staying sufficient to your work' he of course being as stubborn as the man who raised him didn't follow that advise and got sick.

Not that he'd ever admit it, that would make him seem weak compared to the metas and even Artimis (sp) it was hard enough being the " youngest" on the team considering. superbly was technically a few months old he was still considered older due to the look of his body's age.

Robin suddenly felt worse, he didn't know why...maybe the graphics and flashing colors where effecting his headache. "Hey KF mind if I take a break" the speedster just gave him a confused look before nodding and rushing off probably to get snacks.

Robin rubbed his temples maybe he should take medicine or somthing. Then he felt somthing at the bottom of his stomach, feeling bile rise in the back of his throat he rushed to the bathroom almost not making it. He threw up into the toilet and flushed it down, he then rinsed his face only then realizing how hot his face felt. He could see the bags under his eyes in large contrast to his unusually pale skin.

He sighed as he felt the headache rush back making him wince when he noticed the all to bright bathroom light. His legs felt like jello as he leaned on the wall feeling like he was going to throw up again. "I hate being sick" he mumbled just in time to hear Wally shout "Rob? ROOOBBB WHERE DID YA GOOO" wally yelled walking around until he noticed the bathroom light on "Hey Rob you ok"?
Robin didn't answer as he was busy throwing up again.

Superboy just so happened to be walking passed when he heard what was going on. "I think he's sick" he mumbled as he walked closer to where wally stood. "Common Conner I'm sure he's fine"! Wally said confidently with a tiny hint of worry.
Conner sighed "I can hear him throwing up" just then megan who had been looking for them so they could eat cookies walked into the room. " oh! There you are," he noticed them standing by the bathroom door Wally seemingly pressing his ear against the door "is there a problem"? Wally shushed her and Conner rolled his eyes " we think Robin is sick".

Megan looked confused "then why would he hide it, isn't it better to tell somrone"? Conner shrugged and wally gasped "wow he realy is sick, where are the others"?

Megan thought for a moment "well Artimis should be here soon she had somewhere to go with Green arrow...kauld'r (sp ;^;) is on his way back now from Atlantis.."

"Aqualad B02"

(This is where I fail)
Kauld'r walked into the room after megan called him in. "What seems to be the problem my friends"? He looked curiously at the bathroom door behind the three. "Robins realy sick he's been in there almost 20 minutes throwing up" kauld'r looked worried briefly "do we know what illness is plaguing him"? All three measly shook their heads "he didn't even tell us he was sick" megan mumbled sadly.

"We should find a way to get him out of the bathroom so we can speak to him, preferably while he's not throwing up...meanwhile, megan maybe we should contact canary so she can check up on him" kauld'r said hand in his chin.

"Now to think of how to get him to leave the bathroom " said wally, Conner nodding in agreement "this will be very difficult" sighed kauld'r as the three vegan to make a plan.


This is only part one and part two I will write tomorrow!
Hope you liked it !

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