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hahaha forgot this existed oops...
any way this is reverse bat family only the male robins cause I only know so much sorry ;-;

Dick: Robin : 13 : over protected baby bird

Jason: Redhood : 17 : (was held back in highschool) overprotective of baby bird, most emotionally driven of the four.

Tim: Red robin : 18 : he will literally do background checks on all of Dicks friends that Jay informs him of.

Damian : Renagade : 20 : will fuck you up if you mess with his clan, has a grudge against Tim.


WARNING BITCHES this chapters rated T soo yea

there are some really mean and bad things said in this cause I'm evil and I like to torture the bird child it's like my favorite pass time.____________the things mentioned are closer to the end. ___________________________________________________________

Dick walked down the stairs ignoring the need to slide down the railing, he had to get to school no time for lectures.
He jogged a bit meeting his brothers at the door, Damian had agreed to drive them so Alfred didn't have to.
|As much as Dick loved his brothers he also hated them a bit, they wouldn't let him out of their sights half the time meaning constant watch from his brothers.
"eyyy Birdie" yawned Jason who hated school but often got dragged there, especially when he tried to skip. " hey Jason , Tim , Damian" he greeted following them to the car.
it was to early for conversation

Dick yawned as he sat in between Jason and Tim in the back seat.
Jason was a year ahead of Dick due to being held back and Damian and Tim are both in one of Gothams elite colleges.
So he was basically stuck with one of the most violently protective of his brothers all day at school, Aka bully central.

He and Jason got out of the car waving to their brothers, Jason flipping them the bird before they drove away.
Dick rolled his eyes as he turned to go to his honours and AP classes, which he realy wished he didn't need to take .
Jason walked with him untill they had to split up at the stairwells which were organised by grade.

First was his geography class, he was the youngest student in the class (Also in the school) as he had skipped a year and that was basically unheard of in Gotham Academy.

The class had pretty well behaved students but a few kids where bitter twords him for his intelligence.
He was used to it.
It's not like it was new to him, people would alwase be jealous of somthing you couldn't realy controle that.
So he ignored the hateful glares whenever he answered a complicated  question correctly.

After that was his AP history he didn't realy like history but he guessed it helped out a bit as Robin.
The kids in this class where a bit rowdy. Some kids yelling out when they had an opinion on the subject they where learning. But they didn't bother him.

English is where hell resided.
Seeing as his first language was Romani and he had spoken it since he was 8 that being only 5 years ago he still wasn't the best at English.
It wasn't like he was failing it or anything but he often needed help and a more in detail explanation.
The other kids often made fun of him for it and would shout out vulgar  things in broken Romani that they had probably translated on Google.

He would sometimes mutter the questions in Romani if he didn't understand the question. The other students would yell at him to speak English and others would claim he was insulting them in his language.
It was annoying but he could deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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