chapter 4

636 13 4

I have my body facing the closet. I get up ans walk to the bathroom.

"I didn't know you stayed the night. did Robert get banged?"

"No.." I squint my eyes at him. I get back and go threw my back pack.

" damn it!" I yell

rob comes running in.

" is everything okay!!"

I jump and grab my chest.

" oh my God you scared the hell out of me! Yeah I just can't find any of my cloths."

he goes back to his room and comes back a few minutes later, I've put on my makeup and about to brush my hair. he tosses a blue hoodie and a matching hat.

" I don't think my pants could fit you but the shirt may be big but it's something right?" Oh my God he's so cute. I just wanna cuddle with him all day.

" you don't have to I'll just wear what I did a few days ago."

" it's okay, you can wear it."

" um okay." I grab the cloths and walk back to the bathroom.

"oh What would you like for breakfast?"

"um I don't care what ever you have I guess.."

I shut the door and put them on with my pants from yesterday. I come out and big black raises an eye brow. I raise one back and walk off. I put my stuff in a bag and grab my phone. rob comes in and tells me break fast is ready. I nod and get up and walk towards him. he leads me down the stairs to the kitchen.

" bacon and pancakes?"

" Yeah.."

"awesome" I chuckle

big black comes and sits down he asks of we" hit it off" .. um okay

"we- " I cut rob off and sit next to him

"yup" I smile cheekily at both

" um"

I nudge robs arm to get him to join in.

" yeah. .. uh... it was.. um. . good.. "

I kiss robs cheek and finishes my bacon.

" okay we will leave at 8:30, you wanna go do something around town?"

" sure"

"black were leaving!!" rob yells as we walk out

we get in his car and he turns on the radio. it's pretty hot in L.A so I roll up my sleeves. he looks over at me and looks back at the road.

"so we're do you wanna go?"

" skate park!?" I ask excitedly

he high fives me


we get to a skate park. damn its beautiful. He gets out and hoes to the back. he grabs two skateboards and hands one to me

" let's see how you do"

I run jump on it and go into the bowl. I here him running up to me cheering me on. ha, those bitches at school thought I'd never meet him. I get back up and check my phone. I tap him on the arm and starts running to the car.

" what's wrong?!"

" it's nine"

"shit!" he jumps in starts his car and we're off. he hurt us threw and we get there.

" late much?" big cat smirks

" we were just having some fun"

"fun?" he raises his eye brow.

"no no just- "

I interrupt " we went to the skate park"

we go to his office and I toss my self in a chair.

" mind if I go mess around?" I ask pointing behind me.

" yeah sure do anything you want, just don't hurt yourself again"

I laugh and get up

"I won't" I go out and grab a skateboard and just kinda do what's normal I just skate. little did I know that I had a crowd. every one was watching and clapping, I was listening to my music so I couldn't hear them. I turn around and see everybody that worked there watching and clapping. I smile and go back to robs office.

"how much did you see?"

" about half big cat told people to watch. your really fucking good. "

I blush and grab a water

"thanks" we sit in silence and I move to couch. we sit there for about 20 minutes, until drama comes in. jolts us both almost threw the celling. once again my natural reaction.

"Holy shit"

rob bursts our laughing and drama chuckles.

"what's so funny? You scared me."

he sits down and I walk over and sit next to him in front of robs desk.

" what are you doing drama?" Rob asks,

" I'm really bored and thought I'd came hang out wiyh you guys."


I sit there for a bit and get up and start walking around the room. I sit on the floor and they look at me like I'm insane.

" what's wrong?" drama asks

" its just I came out here to became a professional skateboarder, and here I am sitting on the floor of fantasy factory." I smile and look up. Rob sits down next to me and wraps his arm around me.

"I know you never no what will happen in L.A. "

" I grew up watching this and now I'm look. I knew one day I'd meet you, pwople at school use to bully me cause they thought I would never do it. " I grit my teeth run out and yell

" look at me now bitches!!"

rob and drama start laughing as I come back

"well your making your dreams come true" drama says

make your own luck- a Rob Dyrdek fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora