Chapter One: Express, The New World

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          Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, probably Julia. She stays with me and my brother Terrence. The three of us just started living here about a month ago. Not everything has been unpacked and boxes still crowd my room. It’s funny, Julia isn’t the type you’d think to live with two other men, but we needed a third roommate to afford the apartment. It has three bedrooms, and it came fully furnished. Really not a bad place to stay for three undergrads.

          Her footsteps get louder, finally I hear the doorknob turn, without a knock. She walks in, her face is flushed with red, and I can tell she’s upset about something, or someone.

          “My God Sam, do you ever plan on cleaning up around here? I mean seriously, it’s like you haven’t unpacked a single thing. Are you living out of a box? she asks. “And another thing, when are you going to start working? Me and Terrence can’t pay for this place alone you know!”

          “Julia, I’m trying my best. Why are you bursting in my room with this random rant? Don’t you have anything better to do? You know how scarce teaching jobs are around here, just give it some time.”

          I say that I’ve been trying, but the truth is, I’m haven’t even earned my teaching certificate yet. It’s on it’s way, but I need a quick job to satisfy the bills I’ve let pile up. I would never let Julia and Terrence know this. I just need a little while longer.

          “I’ve got an interview with Express tomorrow morning.” I lie.

          “Well, that’s a start I guess. You know I don’t mean to get so worked up but, Me and Terrence can’t afford to keep splitting these bills alone. We have other places we need to spend our money Sam.”

          “I know Julia, I know. I’m trying my hardest to pull it together.”

          She leaves me with a blunt “Okay.” before walking out. At least she didn’t ask what Express was. I wouldn’t have had an answer. It’s just some company I saw in a magazine before. At any rate, this was a sign that I really need to make a move. As long as Express is apart of my lie, I may as well look into it. Quickly, I pull the magazine out from one of the boxes I used last night and flip to the last page. It reads “Express — Highway to life, now hiring. Call 1 800 999 9910”

          I don’t have anything to lose. As I begin to dial the number, I hear a knock. An entrance more subtle than the last.

          “Come in.” I say. Nobody opens the door.

          “Come in!” I shout.

          Still no answer, so I get up to check and see who is knocking, thinking to myself, why didn’t they just walk in. It isn’t locked. I crack the door a little and peep through the slit to see who it is, But no one was there.

          Either Julia or Terrence played a joke on me, though it wasn’t very funny. I shrugged it off and got ready to redial the number. *Beep beep beep boop…*

          Then, another knock on the door. “Terrence I’m in the middle of something, stop kidding around!” I shout. He did not respond. I quickly get up to answer the door once again, this time more furious and agitated. I fling the door open and out pops Terrence from behind a corner. He’s wearing a mask from the latest scary movie, Witches From Hell.

          “Terrence, that wasn’t funny at all.”

          “Says who?”

          “Me! I was right in the middle of an important call. I’m trying to get a job before we get kicked out of this place. You know I can’t pay the rent most of the time.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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