c.1 - Of to a GREAT start!

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'Oh my god! This dork actually believes she'd be worthy enough to be HIS?!'

'DREAM ON, loser!'

'Did you actually think THAT was going to happen'

'S-STOP it...'

'Get a fucking life Y/N!'

'She's such an idiot.'

'B-but it's my birthday!'

'What a better birthday present than the TRUTH y/n?! He's NEVER going to want to even met a shitty loser like YOU!'

'No no no no nO NO NO!'






And right on exact cue the girl jolted right up from her nightmare, giving out an unexpected helpless shriek to which her once elated friends huddled at the foot of her bed mistook confusingly. By instinct, with eyes still closed, Y/N's arms flailed around frantically in a defensive manner with her screaming and yelling evidently confirming she was still halfway dreaming. A bit too loudly too for a lovely Wednesday morning.

"G-GO AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKERS GAAAHHHHH!" Rage roared through her voice in which her friends slightly flinched at, "GET AWAAAAAA-"

"WOAH WOAH! Y/N EASY!" Out from the group came out Y/N's most beloved sister Beth, who quickly took hold of her younger sister's wrists, "It's okay! It's me, it's us! Your sister and your friends!"

Soon enough Y/N's eyes slowly opened, and her memory began to come back in with reality. As she slowly began to calm down from her sudden outburst her tired eyes looked around the room, and land back to the group of youngsters seemingly looking a bit shocked still by all...that.

The sight of brightly colored balloons caught her eyes, along with a cake of her favorite flavor withheld by one of the girls, a huge banner displaying her name in script with a warm greeting of her birthday. Silence was an unusual thing to respond with from a birthday celebrant, and the grins once prominent on her friends' face began to slowly fade away when Y/N didn't even, well, smile.

"B-Beth?" The girl finally spoke up, only in a very exasperated manner, "Guys...h-hey, what's all this?"

"O-oh! Uh...you see Y/N..." Her distraught sister began to try and explain but was cut off by one of their friends.

"Y/N, you silly billy! It's your birthday, ka-doey!" Selina, despite being a mature-looking college student beamed with a goofy grin.

"Sure is!" Anthony, one of their geekiest friends, said with an approving smile, "We came all the way down here at Dublin to celebrate with 'ya!"

All of them expectantly looked with excitement at their beloved friend, but was surprised to see a uninterested look, kinda more of a disappointed look more directly aiming to her sister who tried her best to shrug it off.

"Beth. Explanation. Now." Y/N's voice was resounding with all seriousness and none of the giddy excitement of her birthday.

Turning around slowly, Beth pulled off a nervous grin to hide her uncertainty. "Lil' sis...u-uh...Y/N...I-I was just trying to uh, 'ya know, lighten you up!"

"By doing... THIS?! The very thing I SPECIFICALLY told you NOT to do so?!"

"Why? What's wrong with us Y/N?" Juliette, one of Y/N's closest childhood friends, spoke up disapprovingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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