I'm secretly a bat?

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The next day i woke up to the wind wailing outside, i looked at my watch, it was only six thirty, i sighed and threw my head back on my pillow, but however much i tossed and turned i just could not get back to sleep. I sat up, ignoring the headrush i got, walked to my trunk and put my uniform on, i grabbed my bag and walked out of the common room.

I tiptoed through the castle and found myself outside, i wrapped my cloak further around me as the wind blew me around, maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all.

But i carried on anyway and got to the beech tree by the lake, i climbed on to the lowest branch and picked out a book from my bag, then hanging upside down i began to read. the sun was rising more now and it looked pretty upside down, i was admiring the view when voices caught me off guard, they was coming closer and i listened to what they were saying,

'you can't just push people over because they're ugly' it was sirius voice, i panicked being upside down and all, ment it was hard to think atall, so much blood was in my head, then another voice drifted over

'why not, I think that it's a great reason too' It was James, Great just who i wanted to see at seven o'clock in the morning, i held my book closer to my face

'No face it, prongs, you failed, so much failure, mountains of failure, there was so much failure that-'

'ok, sirius, i get it, i failed' the voices seemed to be next to me now

'What do we have here, a book worm upside down' Damn he spotted me, i looked over, or should i say under, i don't know my mind is empty because not only am i upside down but sirius black is standing in front of me and if it is possible. he looks so much better upside down.

'Why are you upside down?' james asked

'Err' i said in an unusual squeaky voice, what is wrong with me, i need to get over myself 'I'm secretly a bat?' i asked hopefully

'It all makes sense now!' James said in mock surprise, i rolled my eyes and gave him evils

'She's gone all shy because of our great looks' oh Merlin, is he reading my mind, because if he is, Merlin save him, for it may make him insane. He winked at me, i think i stopped breathing, and i defiantly fell from the tree, and landed with a thud on my bum. James and Sirius laughed

'Ow' i said wincing

'Are you alright' Sirius asked, holding in his laughter

'I don't know... I don't feel smart anymore' i said trying to think, my head was really light headed from being upside down for so long

'Awh, don't worry, you were never smart' He replied soothingly

'Wow, thanks, that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me' i said sarcastically

'And that is the longest sentence you have ever said to me without stuttering' Sirius replied smirking, i felt myself go bright red, i stood up, grabbed my bag from where it had fallen stuffed my book in it and wandered back to the castle, over the bridge and into the entrance hall, i recomposed myself before walking into the great hall and joining Jake and Lissa at our usual spot on the Ravenclaw table.

'What's wrong with you? you look like you've seen a -' she grinned 'Sirius'

'Eugh' i said before hitting my head on the table, a daily occurrence at the moment.

'Defence is next and you know what that means?' Jake said far to happily for my liking, i groaned louder, and looked up

'I didn't stammer once in front of him today, but i did fall out of a tree, can we swap places i'd rather sit by Pettigrew today, it'd save me humiliating myself more than i already have'

Oh go Suck a Duck, Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now