controlled it.

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Alexa POV

"ugh, ugh" I woke up in heavily breathe
My god please not this mental attack again!
"I've" everything was so blurry and I cannot breathe.
I walked to the outside slowly.
"uhh, uhh" I finally got to the outside
"i can controlled it. just breathe. breathe" I talk to myself in the outside sitting on the road
"why everything shaking?!" I hold my head 
"no, no, no!!" everything is really unseen.

Mario POV

what is that noise at 1am?!
I looked to my window a girl holding her head, facing the ground
"isn't that Lexa?!" I ran downstairs quickly

"Lexa! Focus on me, please!!" I put her head on my thigh 
I lift her rom the ground and put her inside my house.
"do you know how much i love you?" i said to her quietly while put her on my bed

Alexa POV

where am i?
who's room is this?!
I quickly ran out as fast as posibble
"Lexa?! what are you doing in Mario's house?!" Geo ran to me and hugged me
"Mario's?" i confused
" is he trying do something bad?" Geo looks at me

" nah, i don't know too how I ended up in here" i said to Geo
"okay, let's go to your house. You seem sick" geo hold my shoulder and lead me to the way

"Dear your body tempratures are so high. you need to go to hospital" My mom looked at me worried
" I'm okay. I guess" i tried to standing up but, i fell down
"okay, you need to go to hospital right away" Geo took my jacket and wore it on me.

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