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Alexa POV

I woke up with a sun shining through my window.

"Great, new day." I start to slide my leg down to the floor
I walk downstairs meeting my Dad, sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper

"Heyo, Dad" I hug him
"What got into you? You never hug me like this" he laugh
"I don't know, I think I missed you so bad" I laugh
"Lexa, eat your breakfast" my mom put my plate on the kitchen counter
"Yeah, I'm coming" I walk to the kitchen finding my brother who still half asleep.
"Bro, really? Eat your pancake" I pick it with his fork and put it on his mouth
"Yea, yea" he rub his eyes

After I eat, I got up to the bathroom and showered.

I picked my clothes which is a black tank top with white jeans.
My hair is wet and I let it air dry

"Lex, can we hangout somewhere? I'm bored" I slide my door and walk through it
"Sure I'll take you everywhere" he smiled
We walk out from our house and he lead me where he wants
"Alex, are you sure you know where we going? It's look so lonely here" we stop to a empty basketball field
"Yeah I'm sure. Just wait here, I'll be back" he run

I move and sit on the bench near the field.

Suddenly someone closed my eyes.
I'm panicking, cause I don't freaking know who is it

"Alex it's not funny!" I pull the hands of my face
"Mario!" I gasp and hug him tightly
"I miss you" he whispered
"What on earth are you doing?" I pull away
"I need to see you" he bring couple hearts balloons and a flower bouquet.
"Awe, you became too sweet" I take the bouquet
"Sure it is. Your parents and Alex said that you've been missing me, so they think that if I can go back to Tampa for 3 weeks, you'll be happy" he hug me again
"This is ridiculous" I laugh
"I know, I know" he kissed me slowly, we move in a perfect sync.
"Okay guys stop. Remember PG-13" Alex walking to us
"Okay okay" we pull away and laugh

"Why Cat not coming with you?" I ask
"She's busy with school" when Mario said that we were already arrived at my house

"Mario,do you want to sleep in the guest room or you can sleep with the twins?" My mom said while we just opening the door
"Twins. I don't want to make you busy too much" Mario smiled
"Then your luggage is on the up already" my mom go back to the couch

"Alexa, I have to go to skate park. Bryan needs me" Alex smirk and leave
"Then it seems just me and you now." Mario sit next to me watching in my room
"Yeah" I chuckled

Mario POV

Alexa were really surprised when I'm visiting, she's kinda changed but, not too much.

The way she changed make me more fall in love with her.
I hope that I never broke her heart.

"Alexa.." I sigh out
"Yeah dummy?" She laugh
"Did I already tell you that your beautiful?" I hold her cheeks
"All the time" she smiled

I pulled her face and softly kissed her
Our kiss were slow but, full of passion
I moved her to sit on my laps without breaking the kiss.

Oh my how I'm not gonna kissed her all the time, she's too cute to not kiss.

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