Birthday (Request) (15)

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"Shawn! Go get the cake from the bakery!" Karla shouted as she readied the table at their backyard. "Yes, hun!" Shawn shouted back as he ran down the stairs, keys jingling in his pocket.

After the guests have arrived, Karla brought down her now one year old daughter. Shawn was at the backyard, chatting with everyone. "There's the birthday girl!" the guests exclaimed as they flocked over Selena.

Shawn then continued to hosting games to entertain the people. Like pop the balloons by sitting on it, etcetera. But when everyone was tired and hungry, the couple decided it was time to blow the candles.

"Shawn, blow the candles for Selena!" Karla giggled as their daughter tried (but failed) to blow the flames out. When Shawn blew out the candles, Selena clapped her hands and giggled.


"She said her first word!" Shawn exclaimed giddily. "Dada! Dada!" Selena gurgled as Shawn took her from Karla's arms. "Dada's little princess?" He asked. Selena giggled, making everyone take it as a 'yes'. The guests clapped and cooed over Selena.

When the commotion died down, it was time to eat. The guests lined up with their plates and gathered food, while Karla fed Selena with her baby bottle.

Everyone was elated as Karla decided to roam around with Selena along with Shawn.

"My, she's growing more and more cute!"

"You guys make one hell of a child."

"Can I take her home? Kidding!"

After everyone was full, it was time to end the party. "Hey, everyone! We'd like to thank all of you for coming. We'd also like to thank you all for the gifts you brought, and of course, for making Selena's first birthday memorable!" Shawn spoke, making Selena giggle. "We hope to see you on Selena's following birthdays!" Karla beamed and Selena clapped her hands.


Requested by @Selena1567


Btw, this is the last time I'm updating along with some more requests

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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