Soul x Maka

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Maka came out to the front porch of her apartment where she noticed Soul sitting on the steps by himself.

"Not enjoying the party?" She asked.

Soul shrugged. "Just came out for some fresh air."

Maka sighed. "Well, it seems very antisocial for you to be out here by yourself. We're hosting the party, Soul."

Soul groaned. "I just needed fresh air, alright? You don't need to snap at me."

Maka hesitated. "I'm sorry. It's just that you never want to be left alone. Is something...wrong?"

"Me being alone doesn't automatically mean something's wrong." Soul hugged his knees into his chest. "Why do you jump to conclusions?"

"You can talk to me, Soul." Maka smiled. "What kind of partner would I be if I just walked away leaving you here?"

Soul said nothing.

"What is it?" Maka frowned.

"I have a lot on my mind."

Maka sat down next to him. "What do you have on your mind?"

Soul looked away from her. "..Nothing."

"That's clearly a lie." Maka said. "I don't mean to pry, I just want to know you're okay, Soul."

Without warning, Soul snapped his head to hers and pressed his lips against hers passionately. Then he realized what he was doing and pulled away and got up; his face turned red from embarrassment.

Maka sat in shock, blushing deeply.

"Maka..." Soul mumbled. "I-I'm so sorry...that was so not cool of me to do...I'm the worst partner ever!"

"Soul..." Maka mumbled.

"I understand if you want a new weapon." Soul paced around.

Maka walked up to him and grabbed his shirt collar. "Soul!"

Soul froze, he could hardly breathe.

Maka frowns. "You know how long I've been waiting for this moment? You just ruined it with your babbling."

Soul managed to give a smile. "Oh sorry...I guess that was uncool, wasn't it?"

"Yeah." Maka smiled. "We need a do-over."

Soul smiled brightly. "Not a problem."

They gazed into each other's eyes before kissing again warmly in the moonlight.

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