Kid x Liz

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The trio sat in the living room of their mansion, bored out of their minds.

"I'm so bored, Kid." Patty was lying on the couch.

Liz finished applying nail polish. "Me too."

Kid was putting books away on the bookshelf. "Finished! Looks so beautiful and symmetrical!"

"We should play a game." Patty squeals.

"What game, Patty?" Liz looks over at her.

"Hmm..." Patty thought. "Truth or dare!"

"I'm up for a round." Liz looked over at her meister. "How about you, Kid?"

Kid smiles. "Well, since I'm finished with the bookshelf, I'll join."

"Yay!" Patty smiles. "Oh! I have to go to the bathroom. Don't start without me!"

Patty then jumps off of the couch and runs off, leaving Kid and Liz alone.

"So, Kid, truth or dare?" Liz smirks.

"We really shouldn't start till Patty comes back, but what the heck, truth." Kid shrugs.

"What do you think of me?" Liz asks, scooting closer to Kid.

Kid hesitated. "Well, you're strong, caring, fun, and very pretty."

Liz smiles, slightly blushing. "Aw, that's so sweet of you to say, Kid."

"I'm only being honest. Truth or dare, Liz?"

Liz scoots even closer to him. "Dare."

Kid blushed. "Kiss me."

Liz shrugs and gives him a passionate kiss on Kid's lips. "You could've just asked. That didn't have to be a dare."

Kid smirks at her and gives her another kiss, making her moan a little.

Liz's hands start to unbutton Kid's shirt when they both heard happy footsteps returning and they stopped kissing and looked over as Patty entered the room.

Patty giggles. "I'm back! You guys didn't start without me, right?"

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