Chapter 1

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Agatha's talking to me, but I can't focus on anything she's saying. I can't focus on her.

We have a little bit of a history. We met about a year ago. Penny introduced us, and we became friends. It was no big deal. But, people started talking. Some thought we were dating; some just thought we should. So we did, eventually.

A quick introduction of Penny. Her real names Penelope, she's a genius, and, from how things are going with Agatha, she might be my only real friend.

Back to me and Agatha. We broke up a little more than a week ago. We really only dated for about a month. And yet after the break up, everything was different.

The breakup was a mutual decision, mostly. I'm glad we broke up, for the most part. I was sick of her obsession over Baz fucking Pitch. He was the lead singer in the famous band 'Window to Freedom', but more importantly, he was a stuck-up, no good fuckwad. (I didn't know that. I didn't know him.) The point was, if he caught on fire, I may or may not pay to roast marshmallows over his burning corpse. So yeah. I hated him. With a passion. He ruined my relationship with the one girl I actually liked. Not intentionally, of course. But he did.

See, I liked how Agatha and I were together. She made me feel normal. For once, I could forget that I couldn't speak without stuttering and rephrasing my sentence a million times. I felt like I was the hero, and she was the damsel in distress. And, although it was completely cliché, and actually pretty patriarchal, it made me feel worthy.

Agatha didn't like that. She was free-spirited. She followed her own path, and she wasn't about to, or so she said, get tied down because of a simple High School boyfriend.

Agatha's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I feigned a smile and nodded. God this was awkward. What's so good about this 'Basilton' anyway? I could totally take him, I thought to myself.

Meanwhile, Agatha was raving about him on and on, constantly repeating how hot he was, how talented, how magnificent. I scowled. Just because he's the lead singer of the band, that doesn't make him fucking god. He's not that great. I bet he's not even great looking. Granted, I didn't know what he looked like then, so I couldn't really say that he wasn't. (He was. Good looking.)

"I saw a video of him live and—Simon, what are you making such a horrible face at? Do I have something on my face?" She asked, jokingly, but warily. So she felt the awkwardness, too.

"Oh, uh, um. . . nothing," I said, smiling weakly at her, "Just— there's something on my mind. A. . . school project." Bull shit. Bull. Shit.

"Ah, I see." She said, looking down, "Hey, sorry for rambling about this. I realize now this is probably awkward. . . Heh."

"Oh, no, it's not— it's no big deal." I coughed awkwardly.

"Um. . . okay, well. I have a project to work on. For history. Yes." I just nodded absently as she stood up from her seat.

"Okay, well. Bye." She said over her shoulder. Such bull shit. I call bull shit.

I physically cringed at how awkward that conversation was.

"That was hard to watch." My friend, Penelope says, approaching me from behind.

I sighed. "Yeah. . ."

"Honestly? I wish you guys never started dating in the first place. You guys never really liked each other. Now things are just. . . weird."

I knew, deep down, she was right. And yet, I hated when Agatha talked about other guys. I hated when Agatha talked about Baz. I just hated Baz, honestly.

But it's true, Agatha and I never really liked each other. At least, she never really liked me. Not in that way. We were shoved together; people just always thought we were meant to be, like Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty or whatever.

"So, anything special happening this weekend for you? Agatha's been constantly talking to me about going with her to one of (insert band name here)'s concerts. She was dropping hints every five seconds." She sighed. "You should go instead. You two need to bond."

I deadpanned at her. I hated Baz. I made that very clear.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on."

"No. I'm just going to stay in—"

"And wallow in your own misery?"



I sigh. She raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah, pretty much." I say, defeated.

"You need to get over it. It's over, it's gone, and you guys were friends before you were dating. I want it to be like that again." She said sadly.

"I'll make a deal with you." She looked up at me, hope in her eyes. "We'll both go."

She smirked, and held out her hand.


Author's Note: Good morning, or whatever. If it's afternoon, good afternoon. If it's night, go to bed. Please. Okay, anyway, so that was my first chapter on my first story. Yay, I guess. I feel like I failed, and I think I need to make it longer, but... I don't know. I hope you liked it.

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