Thank you!

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So, thank you so much if you are reading this.

And thank you for reading the book or even a single MicroTale!

Your lovely comments and sweet wishes had me going until now and will keep me going in future too!

Your votes, even when I never asked you to give, are too damn precious for me! <3

And I Love You Guys!!! :*

So special mentions to some awesome people who were there with me when I started the book and they are still here.
And so many more!

Thank you soooo much guys, this journey wouldn't have been same without you all!

And this book is nothing without your support!

Okay, so all my emotional rant is over, I think.
So the next part of MicroTales will be there. And soon it will be up for you all to read! :D

And there is another book I'm thinking of writing. But more about it later! ;)

So, that's that.
Thank you again! :)

Lots of lots of lots of love,

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