Part One, Chapter Two: The Court of Miracles

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Lei Ling leaned forward, listening intently. Her memories had returned, at least enough of them to piece together an identity and, more importantly, a mission: I am Lei Ling Jones, I am The Nightingale, I have to find my parents and sister; Killian, Emma, and Hope.

"Surely you remember hearing of the Dark Curse?" Mary asked.

"Of course, and all the many times it was cast."

"Well, I'm afraid it's been cast again." Mary told her. "But not the same way as it was before. Each time it is cast, whoever is behind it always manages to modify it somehow; once, the price was circumvented, and another time the Savior - your mother - was almost out of the picture." Mary's face fell stern. "It has been cast again, by a man known as Judge Claude Frollo. Here, he goes by Governor Frollo. He is in charge, and has separated everyone according to race, sexuality, and more. Anyone without fair skin is living in the lower classes; unfortunately, I'll have to show you there later. Now, many that possess fair skin have been sequestered away because he knows they pose a threat; this includes your parents. Emma Swan and Captain Hook have been admitted to the Sanctuary Institution, which is an unfortunate place. It is supposed to be a mental hospital and inpatient facility, but lately it's been turned into a sort of extra prison.  But that's its own issue, and we shan't address it now. Governor Frollo does not know me or what I do, and that is why I am able to live here-" she gestured about at the lace and crystal. "Unfortunately, I don't know if he knows the truth of your identity, and we can't risk him finding out and wiping your memory; you'll have to adopt the name Leila again. Almost everyone has a different name here, at least slightly different. I'm going to deliver you to your new home now - although I'm sorry to say it won't be much of a home."

"Wait," Lei Ling stopped Mary as she rose gracefully from the table. "You've told me where my parents are, and even if I can't reach them just yet I'm thankful for that. But what about Hope? Where is she?"

Mary sighed. "Your sister is currently in the foster system that Frollo established with the curse. However, I am almost finished with the necessary paperwork to adopt her. Of course, once the curse is broken, she will be returned to you and your parents and I will burn the papers. But for the time being, I am going to keep her safe for you. It's what I do."

Another flash of recognition crossed Lei Ling's mind. "Mary... Mary Poppins, the bounty hunter! You find lost children!"

Mary sighed, rather sheepishly. "As I told you once before: I couldn't save my own family, but I can sure as everything save other families."

Before Lei Ling could ask what she meant by told her once before, Mary had donned her cloak and taken her umbrella in hand. "Go get dressed; spit-spot. We have to leave soon; and it's likely going to rain, so make sure you put on something warm."

Lei Ling obeyed and went quickly upstairs to put on her old clothes, which were now completely clean. She also put on the burgundy hoodie that had been laid out with them. The warmth was unexpected, and she wrapped the material closer to her body, trying to pull some comfort from it. She was going to have to muster up all her courage for the foreseeable future.

She trotted after Mary again, who was already out the door, catching up to her and sharing the shelter of the umbrella. The rain was not very heavy, but it was colder than expected. Lei Ling put her hood up for extra warmth. As they walked from one cramped street to another, Mary pointed out what was what: the bar where, supposedly, the real queen was working; the magic shop, where both good and evil collided on a daily basis; and of course, Sanctuary Institution.

"Don't worry," Mary assured her. "That's where I'm sending you.  I know you can only see the roof from here, because the streets are so twisted, but we will reach it within minutes.  You'll be able to get in to see them soon. But be warned: they won't remember you." she paused sympathetically before continuing. "And that building up there, the largest one, is of course where Governor Frollo lives and works. Of course it looks like a cathedral."

Lei Ling looked up at Mary. "What do you mean, of course?"

"Frollo was originally very close with religious leaders, in his home realm," Mary explained. "Even though they all hated him, they couldn't stand up to him. He practically took over the church. He used that power to commit atrocities. That's why it's not surprising that he would operate out of a cathedral now that he cast the curse."

"Don't forget the tower!" a third voice spoke up, rather close to both of their heads. It startled Lei Ling, who noticed the beak on the decorative parrot's head at the handle of the umbrella move.

"Sorry," Mary apologized, not sounding sorry one bit. "My umbrella talks sometimes."

"Of course it does," Lei Ling muttered. She continued at a normal volume; "What tower?"

Mary's face fell grave. "We call it the Centurion Tower. It's the most mysterious place in the entire town."

(will be updated later)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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