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Notes:o-ok this IS my first horror story so...sorry if it not cool or something so...
Here some things u might need to know in the story

Y/N =your name
F/C =fave colour
H/C = hair colour
F/F = fave food

So here some of ur friends in the story info

N/Y you'll be character in the story age:10

Sophie=she's is ur older sister age: 14

Sam=ur best friend and crush even tho ur 10 u have a crush :3 both of u have a crush of each other! age:11

Sally=Sally she is ur best friend! She always help u out even the dark times age 11

Lilly=Lilly is also ur best friend she kinda shy,emo and she know ghost,vampires,aliens and other unusual creatures  (just like oka ruto XD)age 13

Zack=Zack...Zack...Zack is ur FRIEND I meant friend means u just friend zone him XD age10

And last of all
Grace!=she is ur long long long friend
U may ask y so many long
Cos when two of u were smoll on ur old school age 12

I think I'm done here
I hope u all enjoy my story!

-Author~chan out

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