chapter 3:Where's Sally?!

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The creepy shadow creature vanish ,
U tilt ur head and think
"what was that?"
u shake ur head and u go to ur group all were sitting and chating

But Y/N did't saw Sally u ask all of ur friends:

"Hey guys have u seen Sally?"

All replys:
"No we haven't seen sally"

Y/N were worried sick!ur best friend is gone now what are u gonna do?
So u walked all around the house with Sophie.Y/N said:
"Argh she have to be here! What if she died or worse!"

Sophie hugged Y/N and pated u on the head
Sophie said:
"Shhhh it's ok maybe she just like maybe outside or upstairs "

Y/N reply:
U two go outside and look around

Then u both go upstairs
There's two doors
Y/N can't choose which door so u asked sophie:
"Hey Sophie which door?"

"Since I'm a right handed I choose...right!"Sophie reply

So u both went to the right door
Sophie opened the right door it's just another bed room

And Y/N saw a ribbon...

Y/N were crying (a little) and panicking at the same time.Sophie tries to confront me (Idk if I spel it right)Sophie said:

"Hey!don't cry!we'll ask the group to help us find sally

Y/N and sophia went to the group and ask

Y/N:hey can u help me find sally?

Group: sure!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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