Head Over Heels - Justin Bieber Love Story:21:

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Please VOTE! Pretty please! Hope you like it, and Erikka :)


Maybe I could just turn around and fake being sick. Nothing would be wrong with that, but then I could be with Justin tonight. No. You're going to keep driving the last five minutes to see your sister. She's only waited 13 years.

It wasn't that I didn't want to go, I was just scared as hell. I got to meet the woman my dad remarried and my sister all in one day. Great.

Now I wish I would have told Justin to come with me. I had told him I'd be ok, this was my sister. It was something I thought I had to do on my own.

I drove down the road with my sunglasses on even though I was in my car. It was just a safety precaution.

There is was. It was a small neighborhood outside the city. The 6th house on the right.

I parked in front of the house, and stayed in the car for another minute.

I'm doing this, I'm really doing this.

I opened the door and stepped out walking up the driveway. I looked behind me to make sure I hadn't been followed, or brung paparazzi to my little sister's house. That wouldn't be good.

I rang the doorbell and rocked back and forth on my heels. The door flew open and I saw her for the first time in my life. She was a few inches shorter than me, with blue eyes and medium brown hair that was right below her shoulder blades.

"Lauren?" She asked.

"Yeah. H-hi." Erikka's arms flew around me and I hugged her back. I wasn't really scared anymore, mostly relieved.

"Come in, come in."

I followed her inside and looked around. Her mom had to be an interior decorator. This place was gorgeous.

"Hi, Lauren." I saw Erikka's mom walk around the corner. Her hair was brown too, lighter than mine, she had blue eyes much like Erikka's, her's were a little lighter.

She hugged me quickly and then pulled away.

"I'm Savannah. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Yeah it is nice to meet you too. I love this place."

"Thanks. So are you guys going into town?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess. I thought I could show her around a little, neat way to get to know each other."

"Ok, and your mom already gave you my number?"

"Yup I have it programed in my phone. It's good to go."

She nodded.

"Have fun Erikka. Love you."

"Love you too mom." We even sounded alike. Weird.

Erikka opened the door and we walked back outside to my car.

"You've been to LA before right?" I asked.

"Yeah I have twice briefly. I've never really actually looked around."

"Ok, well we can go to lunch first or look around first. It's up to you."

"Let's eat first. That way we won't be hungry later."

"Ok, sounds good."

I opened the door and she got in on the passenger side.

"Wow. Nice car."

"Thanks. I don't really use it much, just to get to the studio and stuff. I'm not really allowed too."

Head Over Heels:Broken Fall:Book One: Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now