Chapter Six~ Another Group

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Authors Note: So I'm gonna add Telltale's TWD game characters into this story. I do not own those characters . Enjoy this chapter!

My ankle was in pretty bad shape as I couldn't walk.  I had to have Daryl carry me around and whenever I was laying down, he would check on me. "Please let us stay here. We have kids." I heard a male voice say. I wanted Daryl to pick me up. He picked me up and he carried me outside. I saw some people. "My name is Lee Everett. This is Clementine." The leader of the other group said. "I'm Kenny. This is my wife Katjaa and my son Ken Jr. but we call him Duck." A guy said. "I'm Carley." Said a girl. "Lily. This is my father Larry." A woman said. "I'm Mark." A guy said. "Ben" A teenage boy muttered. "Rick, they have kids. They need to stay." I said as Daryl sat me down but held my hand so that I wouldn't lose my balance. Rick thought for a moment. "Very well. They can stay." Rick said. Rick wanted to talk to Daryl so they walked away. "Negan is coming tomorrow. We need to get more supplies." Rick whispered and Daryl agreed. "Camilla can I borrow Shade for a moment?" Daryl asked. I nodded and glanced at the new people. "Keep an eye on them" Daryl whispered to me and I nodded. I limped over to the porch steps and I sat down. Me, Clementine, and Duck bonded rather quickly. The next day, me, Clementine and Duck were playing hide and seek. "7....8....9....10! Ready or not here I come!" I squeaked. After two minutes, I found Duck. I had crutches so I could walk. I followed after Duck, in search of Clementine. I was lagging behind because I was using crutches. Clementine was in a well hidden spot so me and Duck finally gave up. "Surprise!" Clementine said softly, surprising us. Duck and I started laughing. "I'm hungry!" Duck complained a few minutes after. "Follow me" I said sorry before going to where we kept the snacks stored. There were some apples, cheese and crackers, jerky, a couple of oranges, and some peanut butter crackers. Duck chose cheese and crackers and Clementine chose an apple. "Thank you." She said softly. "Your welcome" I replied. Clementine and Duck started drawing a large piece of paper. Then, Negan and his men came to collect supplies. I had been sitting with Clementine and Duck. "Camilla, who are those guys?" Clementine asked as she finished her apple. I sighed. "We work work for those guys. Every week or so they come here and we have to give them half of our supplies." I explained. Clementine nodded and she went back to drawing with Duck. "Kenny, can you help me up?" I asked. "Of course" Kenny replied and he helped me up, handing me my crutches. I walked over to Rick and Daryl, my injured ankle off the ground. One of Negan's men walked over and asked for the supplies. Rick and Daryl lead Negan's men to the supplies. Negan walked over to me and he looked down at me. "How's your ankle?" He asked. "Good." I replied. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. He walked past me when he heard his name being called. My cheeks were red as I went back to Clementine and Duck. I carefully sat down. "Camilla, why did that guy kiss you?" Duck asked in a whisper. "Alright can you two keep a secret?" I whispered. Clementine and Duck nodded. "Well, we're secretly dating. Don't tell anyone. It's just between us three. My group thinks he and his men are bad people." I whispered. "Are they?" Clementine asked softly. I shook my head. "No." I replied. The kids nodded and went back to drawing. I watched as Negan and his men leave. I couldn't sneak out due to my ankle unless maybe Duck could help me. Clementine always spend time with Lee.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Chapter 7 will be published tomorrow!

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