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-Indigo's/Levi's pov-


I was eating pasta when a massive titan came it started screaming potatoes then looked at me saying I had stolen its potatoes. It was bold and looked really pissed. "Why do you have a potato!" It screamed.

(Wakes up)

I was in a classroom and there was a girl who was called Sasha I think. Getting screamed at by a angry egg I mean teacher. "DETENTION!!!!" he roared. He came over to my desk. Shit. "What is your name maggot!" He yelled. Hmm I glanced at the window I could jump would it be worth it hmmm yep. But then again my mum would kill me. Dammit."ANWSER ME YOU MAGGOT!!!" The teacher screamed at me. Hmm I don't know his name lets just call him Mr. Angry egg. Well I better introduce myself before he becomes boiled egg (badum chi.) 

"I'm Indigo (beep) from (beep) nice to meet you!" I said trying not to flinch under his gaze of scaryness (yes that is a word... now..)

He nodded and moved on to the next (victim) student. I zoned out. The bell rang and I exited the classroom eager to escape the evil egg. I stopped when my eyes connected with magnificent blue eyes. I blushed I must look like a weird idiot stupid face blushing like that. Also heart you only have 1 job to do that's to pump blood and shit STICK TO IT!!!

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice the long flight of stairs in front of me or that massive rock, conveniently in front of the stairs. I tripped over the rock and felt myself falling down the stairs. My eyes widened my heart pounded in my chest. I was going to fall ... AND PROBABLY DIE!!!!!!😢😢😢  I LOVE ME TO MUCH FOR THAT!!!

I felt hand grab me, saving me from like dying!!! Yay I'm alive!!! ^w^ I looked to see my hero only to get lost in a sea of blue. 0////0 I blushed so hard I must of looked like a tomato.

"Be careful you could of fell!" He said in a concerned voice. I smiled "thanks!!!" :D He smiled back at me and introduced himself. "I'm Eren Yeager nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you Eren I'm Indigo (beep) but please call me Levi!!" I said. He blushed lightly. "Like the anime character?" He asked. "Yeah like the anime character" I said

I never knew just how much that incounter would change my life.

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