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Indigo's/Levi's pov

Ugghhhh I have P.E next... BUT I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GO!!! I said to Marco. He looked at me with sympathy "I'm sure you will be okay!" He said with a smile. Maby I was going to be okay.

Timeskip sponsered by Iggy's terrible cooking

"WHY DID I EVER GO TO GYM CLASS THIS IS NOT OKAY!!! Stupid freckled Jesus. I sighed if only there was something that will magically get me out of gym class. Then I heard music. (In the teen titans theme tune?!?!)

When there's pasta you know who to call PASTA GUY

From white flags to pasta he has it all


When Germany's yelling at him to train

He will never not flea till the end of the day

Cause when there's pasta you know who to call

PASTA GUY GO!!!! (A.K.A Italy from hetalia)

Luckily for me pasta guy saved me we then became friends and ate pasta until the end of gym class.

Thanks pasta guy!

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