Autumn Request

42 2 1

There's a story to this one.

Gather around the campfire, kiddies. It's story time


Alright. Good? Good.

So there is this little girl named Autumn on my bus that I go to school on. The only reason that she is on the bus is because her mother happens to be the driver. Her brother is in 4th grade and she is in 3rd (They are 9 and 7 years old respectively). She always admires the drawings that I make on the way to school, while she plays games like Temple Run and Best Fiends on my phone. So today, I decided to draw her a picture of herself. She treated it like I was drawing her the Mona Lisa. I gave it to her, and it was like I just handed her the president's signature. I took a really quick picture of it while people were exiting the bus.

Ok story times over. Time to blow out the fire!





Good job.

(Please excuse the quality of the photo. I took it real quick, and edited the color intensity and cropped it to look a bit more professional)

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