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(I don't want to say anyone's actual names so I'm using fake names)

Yesterday my friend, Dude, told me that she thought Dude 2 likes her. Dude was considering asking her out and eventually she did. Dude 2 replied that she'd give Dude a letter with the answer. Now I'm friends with both Dude and Dude 2 so I sat by Dude 2 at lunch today and I asked her "what's new?" or something like that. She then asked me for advice on how to say no and in my mind I was like "oh shiz" but I answered jokingly to make it seem like I didn't know Dude had asked her out and that was what the no was for. Later on in class Dude showed me the note Dude 2 had given her, and it was a rejection. It stated that she (Dude 2) didn't like her that way and she thinks that Dude 3 and/or Dude 4 might like her. She also says she might like him and her back. Anyways, there's the drama that has happened recently at school. If you have any questions feel free to comment them and I will most likely answer it. Thanks for reading!

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