Daniel's Field Trip To The Ghost Zone

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So this is my first FanFic I hope you enjoy it! Give me some feedback PLEASE! I am sorry in advance for any grammatical errors I am not perfect.

Maybe I should clarify my story a little bit. Okay so Jazz does know about Danny's secret and is aware that she knows. Also I do not know everything that will happen in the story I have an idea and I have just been writing what comes to mind so keep that in mind. (no pun intended) 

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Danny Phantom! But I do own this Fan Fiction story.

Daniel's Field Trip To The Ghost Zone

Chapter One.

Danny POV:
I hear the buzzing of my alarm clock, but I don't ever want to get up. Today is Friday and my entire English class is going to take a field trip though the ghost zone, I have been dreading this day for weeks. "I hope nothing goes wrong, I can't let them know my secret, what if my parents don't except me, or what if I get sent off to a lab to get experimented on I whisper to myself." I heard Jazz knocking on my door asking if I was awake. "I'm awake Jesus stop the knocking!" I put on my normal pair of jeans and t shirt I walk to the mirror. I see myself standing there with my mess of black hair and dull blue eyes with dark blue bags under them.
I wish I could tell my parents about my alter ego, but I know I cant. I don't want them to know because I still do not know if I will turn into Dan. I can't let that happen I refuse to let that happen, I have to protect my friends and family from everything even if that includes myself. "Maybe its best that they will never know" I whisper defeatedly. I sigh and go downstairs to eat breakfast.
Sam and tucker are already in the kitchen waiting for me. Sam is wearing her usual goth outfit complete with her black and purple skirt and shirt, and tucker who is wearing his cargo pants and red hat. When I see them I can't help but smile my friends, my best friends who have accepted me as the, loser, geek,and dangerous freak. I love them so much they constantly put there lives in danger for me, I know I can never let anything happen to them I would be lost without them, after the accident I swore to give my life to protect them from harm. I have always known that there lives are more important than mine. I would die for them, I also know they would do the same for me. But I pray that doesn't have to ever happen.
3rd person:
Danny walks over and hugs Sam and Tucker, they all smile greet each other with their usual hello. The three of them relax and get lost in each others comfort and embrace. Jazz watches from the door and sighs in happiness glad to know that Danny has such supportive, and loving friends. Danny and Sam hug each other a little too long and Tucker smiles a knowing smile. As Jazz watches all this she also smiles "they're so in love yet they have no idea" she thinks. When they all pull away they walk to the living room to wait for the class to arrive for the field trip.
Sam looks at Danny with worry in her eyes. What if his secret is revealed I know Danny's parents will love him no matter what. But she knows Danny doesn't know that he is always worried about how different he is. He thinks he is freak but all I see is beautiful, caring, strong, brave and loving boy. My Danny with his rumpled black hair and shining baby blue eyes.
Sam grabs Danny's hand and gives him a squeeze of assurance. Danny smiles a sad smile at Sam. All the while Tucker is taking pictures on his PDA of the two love birds holding hands and chuckling to himself.
Minuets later Danny's parents make their appearance, they are wearing their hazmat suits and holding ecto guns. Almost as if they are preparing for a full fledged war. Danny Tenses up when his parents come in the room, waiting for them to shoot they're only son. Danny's friends move closer to him almost as if they are trying to protect him. Jazz watches all this with fascination. Jazz knew that Danny's ghost powers had brought him and his friends closer than ever before, but I don't think I can even begin to comprehend the bond and loyalty it takes to do what those three do on a daily bases. Jazz always knew Danny had a lot on his plate and she understood why he did the things he did but she wished that Danny would tell her about hi secret. But I know that its best just to wait and let Danny tell me on his own. They all wait in silence for the class to arrive.
Five minutes later the class is in the living room and waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Fenton to give them instructions on how they will enter the ghost zone. When that's all finished they all climb into the specter speeder and fly off into the ghost zone.
Danny and Sam and Tucker are in the back talking in hushed whispers.
" Guys what am I supposed to do if a ghost shows up!?" Danny says
" Just fight them off without your ghost powers" Tucker quickly replies.
"But if he does that people will question how he learned such skill to fight ghost that even his parents do not know about"
"That's true I don't know Danny it looks like we might to just have to play it by ear and see how it goes"
"FINE" Danny angrily says
Sam and Tucker flinch at his harsh voice but they know that Danny is just stressed out. When Danny sees his two best friends flinch, his eyes soften and he calmly says "I'm sorry guys I don't mean to be harsh"
"Danny we know you don't we love you and understand that your stressed over everything and it's all right" Sam says in a clam and quiet voice that she would only use with Danny.
" Yeah dude you know your stressed and we understand, let's just try to stay alway from all your enemy ghost layers and maybe we can out of this without incident."
"Tucker that's a good idea I don't know if it will work but it's worth a shot"
Okay Danny says "Tucker why don't you hack into the Spector speeder and program it to stay aways from all the emery ghost layers"
While Tucker is doing that, Danny and Sam sit in silence. What If Walker shows up. Oh god I would be screwed, he would lock us all up! Sam looks at Danny and sees the panicked expression on his face.
Danny feels the all to similar blue mist come out of his mouth. He gasps, Sam and Tucker look at Danny waiting to see what he will do.
"It doesn't mean anything right I mean we are in the ghost zone we are bound to past some ghost right" Asks Danny worriedly
"I guess I mean it makes sense, it's the ghost zone why wouldn't their be ghost in it. I don't think anyone is going to attack." Tucker says trying to reassure Danny but it sounds more like he is trying to reassure himself.
They all here Mr. And Mrs. Fenton yell "Ghost!" At the same time. Danny and his friends hurriedly run to the front of the specter speeder. Danny squeezes in beside his parents, his muscles tense and ready for anything.
"Danny boy what on earth are you doing!" Maddie says exasperatedly.
"Nothing Mom just thought I would chill out with you and Dad for a while" Danny quickly replies. All the while the trio are all looking out for any ghost around. But they have not see any of Danny's enemies, which is surprising considering how many ghost hate Danny. Danny gets up to stand beside his friends. " I can't see any ghost attacking do you think it was just a false alarm" Danny whispers.
"I don't know Danny I don't want to jinks it though." Sam whispers worriedly.
Then they all hear a familiar voice, that voice would be the box ghost. "I AM THE BOX GHOST FEAR ME! Ghost boy what are you doing here?" They all groan at the same time and Danny relaxes knowing his family and friends are in no immediate danger, but he soon realizes what the Box ghost said but it seems that no one heard or took any notice of it. But the issue still stands as to what Danny is to do about the box ghost with his parents around. Maddie screams "GHOST" and jumps into action. She pulls out a Spector defector puts it on and grabs an ecto gun and starts firing at the Box ghost. The box ghost doggies most of the shots but Maddie is firing them off too quickly for him to get out unharmed. She gracefully does a summer salt out of the Specter Speeder and charges the ghost. The Box ghost goes intangible just in the nick of time. Maddie loses her balance but quickly gains it back, she charges the ghost again to the right side but at the last second changes directions and lands breath taking right hook on the ghost. The Box ghost whines in pain but shoots a box at Maddie from behind, it collided right with her head and she is knocked out cold. Jack runs to his wife is carrying her back to the specter speeder but doesn't get to it. Because he gets nailed in the head with a box and is also knocked unconscious. Danny jumps out charges the box ghost with a face of pure anger. He fakes low the ghost takes it and than He jumps over him. Kicking the ghosts back in the air, the ghost falls to the ground face first. Danny holds him to the floor, Sam and Tucker run out of the specter speeder carrying what looks like thermos for some reason. They yell "Danny" in sync, they toss the thermos to him but it doesn't look like it going to make it all the way to him. Danny lunges forward reaching for the thermos catching it in his hand and landing into a summer salt, with the grace of a dancer. He hops up opens the thermos and a blue light beam emits sucking the box ghost inside. Danny ran up to his parents put his hand to there necks to find a pulse, they were steady. He sighs in relief, gently bends over and picks up his mother and carries her back to the specter speeder. He gently lays her out over the seat. "Hey Sam can you take care of her, I am going to go get my dad".
"Of corse bring him back here and I will check him out when I am done with your mom. But we need to get that cut stitched up and quick." Sam says
"No, its fine check them out first" Danny says while walking back to get his dad.
With a groan Danny picks up his dad carrying him back the same way he did his mother. No one realized how strong Danny really was. The class was in awe of everything that had happened.
Sam check Mr. And Mrs. Fenton's heart beat and there vital signs. "All good" she exclaims
"Now come here we have to stitch that up Danny" Sam demands
"Sam its fine let I heal on its own" Danny whines back
It was just now that the class noticed that large deep gash on the young boys back. Everyone hissed at the sight of it. "Mr. Fenton you will have Sam look at that right now." Mr. Lance demands.
With a sigh Danny sat down with his back to Sam. "You need to take your shirt off" Danny pulls his shirt off and everyone is horrified by what they see. The cut is longer and deeper than they thought its was at least 6 inches long and one inch deep, his back is covered in blood. And has scars after scars on his back and stomach, most of them long and gagged. "To Kill A Mocking Bird! How did you get all those Danny!" Yells Mr. Lancer
"Guys stop talking I am trying to concentrate. Tuck can you hand me a bottle of water the first aid kit."
Tucker jumps up and hands Sam a bottle of water and the first aid kit. Sam pours the water over his back and the blood runs off revealing even more scars. Everyone gasped except for sam and Tucker. Sam grabbed a Cotton ball and some peroxide and started dabbing Danny's injury, he wrenched each time. "It that really necessary Sam! Come on it always hurts when you do that" Danny whined. "Oh be quiet you big baby. I still don't understand how you think this is the worse part." Everyone chuckled at that comment. "Sam it is! It stings really bad" Sam pulls out a needle and some string to stitch the cut. Everyone watched Sam and Danny. They were amazed by Danny, how could he withstand so much pain. Everyone knew Danny had to have a higher pain tolerance than most people because of Dash. But Dash never did anything this bad and Danny was acting like he got a paper cut.
" Hey Danny when we get back home I got the new Doom game and we are so playing it!" Tucker says excitedly trying to distract Danny from Sam's stitching
"Oh yes you bet we are! I heard it was the best one yet!" Danny says a bit too loudly
"Danny stop moving you're going to make me mess up. Do we need to repeat what happened last time?" Sam says sternly
Danny's face pales after she says this. "No no no no no never again." Danny quickly says
"Wait last time? You mean this has happened before? What have you been doing that would cause these kinds of injuries?!" Mr. Lancer says with worry in his voice.
"Nothing I am just clumsy" Danny says his voice cracking a little bit. "No, you do not get that from nothing young man. Tell me what have you been doing" Mr. Lancer says his voice stern.
"He probably gets it from all the bullying at school Mr. Lancer" Qwain says
Mr. Lancer pales hearing this. He always knew about the bullying but he never was able to do anything about it because Dash's father was the headmaster of the school. That's boy could get away with an anything. If this was caused by that boy and his friends they would surely pay for this. No one should have to go though what that boy has. But Mr. Lancer knew that the boys couldn't be able to cause that much damage it had to be something else. But it had to surly be something to do with ghosts because all the cuts were different yet they were al the same. That ghost caused it so they must be from ghosts. Everyone knew Danny's parents were ghost hunters but Danny wasn't. His parents would never let him near a ghost. Yet he had taken on that ghost with ease and the skill of a trained experienced fighter. Yes,! This had to be apart of what was going on with that with him and his friends.
Sam is still trying to patch up Danny. The three of them chatting with each other. "Hey Danny how long until we get back to the portal" Sam asks
"I don't know for sure but it shouldn't be too long in the specter speeder. We are near Embers territory and we need to start moving again soon."
"Okay your all stitched up" Sam replies. Danny stand up and puts out his hand to help Sam up.
Everyone follows their lead and is up in a minute. "Okay everyone back into the Specter Speeder we need to get moving to make it back in time" Danny says
"Can you even drive this thing?" Paulina asks. "Yes, he can and he has a hundred of times" Sam snaps back.
"Okay guys let just get going Tucker and Sam your in the front with me. And Mr. Lancer can you check on my parents please?" Danny says while opening the doors to the Specter Speeder. "Sure thing" Mr. Lancer replies. Tucker gets in Danny waits for Sam and helps her in before getting in himself. Everyone else loads up into the back. And the Specter Speeder turns around and now they are off.

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