Chapter two

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Hello again If you're reading this than I guess you liked the first chapter of this story. Thank you to all that reviewed I REALLy appreciate it! PLEASE REVIEW if you haven't and if you have review again! I wasn't going to post this chapter becaue i felt like it was pointless I have had it written for months, I am posting it now because someone commented telling me she wanted to read the next chapter. Thank you :)

On a side note I did get a review asking if Danny was aware that Jazz knew his secret and that is a yes she knows. And I do not know all the characters that might show up I have an idea but do not know of sure so keep tuned to see who will show up! Also as you can tell I worked on spacing a little bit so it will be easier to read. Enjoy :)

Chapter Two

The trio looked oddly at Mr. Lancer who was laughing to himself, it was creepy.

Finally Danny sat down between Sam and Tucker. Sam grabbed his hand and gave him a squeeze of reassurance. Everyone sat in silence for about five more minutes soaking in what little rest they were going to get for the rest of the day. All of the sudden Danny began to stand up but it took him a while longer than it should have. His face twisted in pain when he bent his back. Once fully standing he put out a hand to help Sam up and the other to Tucker. The three wordlessly began walking again. Everyone quickly hopped up to follow in fear that they would lose them in this death trap. Danny was walking in the middle of the three, his shoulders hunched forward and tense.

"How much longer do you want to walk before we stop?" Sam asks. "I want to get to the cave outside Clockwork's." Danny replies

"Yeah sounds good we won't be out in the open. How long will that take?" Tucker says. "If we keep going at this pace than maybe like another hour or two I don't really know for sure. We will have to see how it goes.

The class watches the three talking to each other but are unable to hear what they are saying."They always were really close and never really talked to anyone outside there little group. Always set apart from the rest like they were just so different and I guess in a way they were. What made them different Mr. Lancer wasn't sure but he could easily guess it had something to do with the three of them knowing the Ghost Zone so well. He always did worry about Danny though, that boy was a mess all of the time. I always thought it was just him wasting his time but now I am not so sure, I think its more serious than I ever imagined." Mr. Lancer thinks.

The A-list people are of corse in their own little huddle gossiping as usual. "Whats up with Fenturd and his little goth girlfriend, and don't even get me started on the Tecno geek."Dash asks Paulina.

"I don't understand they never ever speak up and order us around so why are they now, and here of all places?" Paulina replies.

"Hey leave them alone I don't see you coming up with any bright idea to get us out of here Dash. So who are you to talk?" Quain snaps back his voice tight.

Dash scared everyone including the A-listers, no one wanted to be on his bad side so they did everything he said and what he wanted to do. In fear that they would become the new victim of Dash's torment. Thats the only true reason he has any "friends". Everyone knew this including Dash and he always used it to his advantage. Everyone also noticed that Danny was Dash's favorite victim because he never fought back. Dash continues to this day to try to get some sort of sign of fear out of the boy but he has been unsuccessful.

One hour later

"How much longer, my feet feels as if they are going to split in half." Paulina whines.

"Well, maybe if you didn't wear high heals on a field trip than we wouldn't have this problem now would we?" Sam snaps back.

"Hey they are stylish and make my feet look good. Maybe if you would at least try to look nice everyone once in a while you would understand." Paulina replies

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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