Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Louis *POV*

-One Month Later-

Harry has not given up. But he also hasn't been trying very hard. He hasn't told me if he remembered anything so I assume not. I have been going to therapy and so far my fear still haunts me.

On the brighter side of things Harry and I have been getting really close again. I almost kissed him yesterday. I had to explain why my lips were almost on his.

My reason:

I'm tired I guess I was leaning in.

Yah way to go... Lamest excuse like really? Oh gosh I have to get better at hiding it.. I mean seriously!

"Lou.." Harry says coming into the room.

"Yah Haz?" I ask as he pulls me out of my thoughts.

"I was walking through the mall when I found this and it reminds me of something I just don't know what." Harry says holding out a ring.

I blush. That's the ring Harry wanted for his birthday this year.. I actually bought it for him that day and now.. He bought another one. It was going to become a promise ring and symbolize my promise to him to one day marry him.

I wonder if that will ever happen now.. Or will he completely forget and we will just be friends.

"Yah I know what it is.. I bought you one for your birthday.. It has a meaning behind it.. Maybe if you think about it you can remember." I say and Harry nods as he sits beside me and looks at his ring. He thinks so hard about it that it looks like his head will explode.

"Harry.. It's okay if you don't remember." I say.

"Louis it's not working! I have been trying so hard it's not working! I can't remember!" He screams in frustration as he goes red faced from the pressure.

"Calm down Harry it's okay." I say. "It will be okay."

"Louis.. I'm trying for you.. I'm trying to remember who you are." Harry says and a few tears fall down his face.

"I know.. Harry I'm proud of you for trying.. I know your trying hard but some things might take longer.. 5 more months.. That's how long you have until the doctor said your memories will be lost." I say and he nods.

"I know.." He says as he wipes some tears. "I know."

"Niall and Liam are coming over." I say.


"Oh yah.. They are my friends that are dating and they will be over tonight.. We are going to eat nandos and watch some TV. Maybe you'll remember something then?" I offer and he nods. "Maybe."

"Maybe." Harry's voice cracks.

"Okay.. You use to read to me.. It calmed you down do you wanna read to me now?" I ask.

"Sure.." He sniffles.

I walk to my bookshelf and see hamlet.. I know it's a school book but.. Maybe he might remember something from school.. Apparently remembering me is too hard.

I hand him the book and he looks at me oddly.

"Shakespeare?" He asks.

"Yah.. Uhmm.. He's a good poet." I mumble.

"Sure.." He says as he flips to the first page.

Harry *POV*

Hamlet is an odd choice..

I open and look through until I get to the first page. I clear my throat and begin reading it. I make sure to use the iambic pentameter in my speech-knowing that Shakespeare wrote his plays like that. Basically what iambic pentameter is, is unstressed and stressed words in a 5 feet line. If you don't understand you can look it up because it is a long boring explanation.

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