Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Louis *POV*

"Please Louis?" Harry asks.

"N-No.. No.. No." I say as I begin to pace.

"It'll be okay.. Maybe it will help me remember." Harry says as he walks over to me, "Louis.. Calm down.. It'll be okay."

"N-No." I feel Harry grab me by my waist and my back is flat against his as my chest heaves.

"It's okay Lou." Harry whispers, "it was once in a lifetime cra-"

"That's a lie!" I scream and hard jumps behind me.

"It'll be okay-"

"N-No.. I-I almost lost you like I lost m-my dad.. N-no!" I yell and Harry rests his head on my shoulder.

"It's going to be alright.." He whispers as he rubs circles into my hips. "It will be alright Lou.. I'm still alive.. I'm going to be with you there.. I just need to go." He whispers against my neck as I calm down in his hold. I feel goosebumps rise on my skin as his breath fans my neck.

"Harry.. I don't wanna go back." My voice cracks.

"I know.. I know." He says as he sways our hips kind of like a slow dance. I melt into his hold as I feel myself just let go of the stress. After minutes of him swaying us he speaks again, "ready to go?" I just nod, afraid that if I talk my voice will come out too weak.

Harry lets go of my waist and grabs my hand leading me towards the door. I put my shoes on with him and he holds the door open. I walk out and reluctantly take a seat in the passenger side and I attempt to relax out like the therapist had told me to two weeks ago before he went on a vacation.

"Everything will be alright." Harry says patting my knee before he ignites the car and takes off slowly. I direct him to the crash site and he gets out. I stay in the car having small flashbacks of the car crash both post-crash and pre-crash.

"Louis.." Harry mutters when he opens the door. I look at him- my pupils probably dilated to shits -and he continues, "what were we doing? I remember from when we stopped talking to the crash.. Why was I holding your hand?"

"Harry.. Y-you ha-ve to figu-re t-th-that out." I stutter.

"Shh.. Shh.. Louis." Harry says as he kneels by the door and caresses my hair back and I look into his eyes. "Calm down.. Your okay.. I'm okay.. We are safe." Harry coos as he softly kisses my hand. He caresses the back if my hair until I've calmed down. "Okay.. You feel better?" I nod and he smiles, "good.. Let's go back home now."

He closes the door and comes back into the car. He drives slowly and cautionary until we arrive home.


"Yah Lou?"

"Do you like me?"

"What do you mean? Of course I do."

"No like.. Do you like me as a brother or boy friend?"

I watch him blush as he stays quiet and I wait for his answer.

"Boyfriend." Harry mutters and I smile.

"I like you like that to Harry.. In fact we use to date.. That's why we all want you to remember me so bad." I say and he looks at me shocked.


"Of course.. I hope you will remember me." I say and Harry nods.

"Me too." He says as we get out of the car.

"Hey Harry?" I say.


"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask. "Again."

"Y-Yes." He stutter and I pull him into my embrace.

"Shall I take you on a second first date." I giggle and Harry smiles.

He nods enthusiastically and I chuckle.

"Okay.. I'm going to think of where and you only have to remember one thing about us." I say.

"Okay what is it?"

"Our first kiss."


Harry *POV*

How am I going to remember that? Maybe Zayn can help.

Hey Zayn.. I need help remembering Louis and I's first kiss. -H

Ooooo someone remembers being in a relationship ;) -Z

No Louis told me that we use to and asked me to be his boyfriend 'again' and then said when I remember their first kiss he will take me out on a date -H

What a little bastard ;) anyway yah I can help you we can just remake what happened that night if you don't mind getting a boner ;) -Z

What do you mean? -H

I mean the night of your first kiss Louis gave you a boner.. Anyway I can be to you for next month and we will have Niall and Liam over and we can remake your first kiss ;) -Z

Do you think it will work and I will remember? -H

Absolutely! Hey maybe you'll even remember Louis and all your memories with him -Z

Do you really think so? -H

Sure do! I gotta go Haz but I will text you later -Z

A remake of our first kiss that's brilliant. I put my phone away and walk down to Lou.

"Zayn is coming over in about a months time. We are going to remake what happened during the first kiss and maybe I will remember." I say and Louis smiles.

"That's a great idea! Looks like someone wants to get to our first date." Louis winks.

I blush and smile as I nod shyly, "I do."

"AWWW Hazza come sit on me." He says and I blush, "Oi.. Come cuddle you dirty little boy." He winks and I blush more as I go and sit on Louis' lap. He pulls me into him and I cuddle into his neck.


Hehe!! Larry love <3

Anyway here you go to clear up that cliff hanger for yah ;)

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