I miss you

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A/N Sorry for doing so long to update :D Got two more stories to write, along with my homework of course! If you would be kind enough to check you my new story that would be great!

Nick POV

"I got the plan but you didn't tell me the location" Dante said and sat on the chair beside the table we had set the map on. After landing at Cairo we rented a small apartment and started planning how we would act. "I don't know the exact location, it wasn't mentioned anywhere" I said, that seemed to be obviously bother him. "I see... here is the situation. You will go out and try to find anything that would be of use to us, not only info but tools as well. I will try and triangulate their position" He said calmly. "Good idea" I said, grabbed the money had brought along and exited the 'safe house'.

Everything in this city was covered in sand and dust from the desert. Most of the city was practically modernized slums, filled with either illegal traders or vendors trying to make a living in the streets. Either way it was a repulsing sight. I wandered around the city, situationally asking for any kind of information. Unfortunately, by the time the sun was high up in the sky I had found nothing of any importance and I was sure to get a kick in the ass by Dante if I returned empty handed.

My phone rang and I picked it up. "Nick? How are you?" It was Judy, I had missed her voice. "I am fine, busy though" I said calmly, not wanting to betray my anxiety. It wasn't an easy job to play assassin. "Do you know how long you will be out there?" She asked, it was obvious that she was terribly worried about me. "No... but it won't be that long, don't worry. I'll be back in no time" I reassured her, not even knowing if that was true at all. "I love you dear... be safe" She said. "I love you as well bun" I said and hung up.

Something shining on a trader's bench caught my eye. I went close to see what it was. "You like?" The merchant asked me when I had come close enough. Gun trading, completely illegal but to be honest the guy had some serious firepower here. "How much does this cost?" I asked and pointed at a golden handgun, it seemed useful. "One hundred and fifty" He said and I paid him. He then handed over the gun and five clips of ammo as a bonus. I wasn't sure if I had done well buying this but I guess I would never know.

"He said something useful..." I said to myself while thinking what I should buy next. The first thing that came on mind was water and food, supplies generally. Since we were going inside a desert then we needed supplies to survive. I found the first super market and bought the basics along with a portable fridge to keep the water cool. Then I went to buy clothes. I knew that we would need special clothing to cross the desert so I headed deeper in the city to buy some.

After bargaining the price of two linen covers for over an hour I bought them for a fair price, much to the disappointment of the shop owner. I completely hated walking around this city so I made my way back to the safe house where I hoped to find Dante with a location and a plan.

I knocked on the door and after two seconds Dante opened. "What did you get?" He asked when I got inside. "The basics and a gun, nobody had any info on our guy" I said and left everything on the table for him to check it. "Nice thinking" He said with no particular interest. "What did you find?" I asked him with my turn. "I guessed three specific points where the gathering might be" He said and showed me three pinned locations on the map, all connected with a red line he had drawn. "What is this?" I asked and put my finger on a blue dot he had made right outside the triangle he had drawn.

"Old ruins that were used by Zootopia military. They are abandoned but they might come in handy" He explained and sat back down. "So when are we leaving?" I asked and sat on the couch, I was so exhausted. "Tomorrow morning, there is a sandstorm covering our search area" He explained and drank some water from one of the bottle I had brought since there was no clear water anywhere around.

"Nick... are you sure you can do this?" He asked me calmly. I turned around to face him, he was putting bullets in the magazine of his rifle. "I ain't that soft man" I said but he nodded, "I don't mean physically" He explained seriously, yeah I knew what he was talking about. "I am not sure, I don't know why I came here... this isn't me" I told him, he listened silently.

"But you are determined to get through with this" He continued, it was as if he was making sure that I really wanted to kill Jack. I wondered what he would told me if I said that I wanted to go back and forget about all this. "Yes, he is a threat to my wife and my kids" I said, telling this more to myself than him. It almost felt as if he was more convinced about the reason from me. "Everyone's first hunt is confusing... don't worry" He said, trying to reassure me. "Can you promise me that it will be the last one?" I asked, he didn't answer immediately. "I can't promise that you'll even make it out alive" He said and went to the bathroom.

Judy POV

"I know Nick... he'll be fine fuzz" Finnick said but I was still terribly worried. I still couldn't forgive myself for letting him go alone like this. "Thanks Finnick, you can go now. I'll take care of the kids" I said and he raised his eyebrow, he didn't seemed convinced. "Call me if yo fuzz need anything" He said and left the apartment, leaving me alone with the kids sleeping. I had already breast fed them and they wouldn't wake up for three more hours.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, trying to avoid any news concerning crimes and such. It was likes salt to a wound to see things like that so I found a good comedy and watched it. I couldn't describe it as perfect... Nick's sly comments would have made it better, I missed him more than I would like to admit to myself. "Come him Nick" I said lowly, hoping that he could hear me.

I paused the movie and closed my eyes. I could hear the raindrops falling on my window, making their distinctive sound. I was confused, not because of the situation but because of what I felt about it. I was happy because I was now a mother and I was married but at the same time I was afraid because Nick was so far away from me and there was someone that wanted to hurt my children and me as well.

Without having anything to do I picked up the phone and called the chief, I knew that he would be awake at that time. "What is it Hopps?" He asked me when he picked it up. "I don't know, just wanted someone to talk to" I said lowly and he sighed. "What's the matter? Isn't Wilde there?" He asked me, of course he didn't know about Nick. "No... he's out hunting" I said, he remained silent. "What did you tell the others about us being fired?" I asked.

"I told them you were sent out for a joint operation and that you would be back when you solved the case" He answered me, it was impressive how thoughtful Chief was. "It isn't completely false" I said and he agreed with me. I heard his wife's voice in the background. "I need to go, call me if anything comes up" He said and hung up. Now I was alone again.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower to get rid of the stress, it was amazing how water helped. Unfortunately it didn't help us much as I needed it to. When I finished I put on my pajamas and went to sleep since there was nothing more I could do today. Maybe I could go shopping tomorrow or take the kids for a walk.

I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep from the sound of the rain on my window. No dreams came in my sleep, only an uneasy darkness that made me spin around during my sleep..... "I miss you" I muttered......

A/N Sorry guys for the small chapter but... it was like 3:00 AM when I was writing this so I was too tired to keep going, hope you understand! Didn't want to leave you hanging so I sat in the middle of the night to finish it. Let that sink in for a moment.....

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