By a Long Shot

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A/N I recently got some messages that I upload chapters too fast.... really? I haven't actually realized that............. that's a good thing right? That means I don't keep you waiting for too long.

Nick POV

"Aim, fire and then pull the lever to release the bullet shell" Dante told me. He was teaching me how to use a sniper rifle since it would be critical for our mission. "I got it... can we go?" I asked and picked up the rifle he had given me. "Get your stuff in the car and let's go, we have a long way ahead" He said and opened the driver's seat door, sat down and turned on the engine. I did as he said and then joined him inside the car where he thankfully had turned on the air conditioner.

"Where to now?" I asked and he silently placed his finger on the map between our seats. He had formed a triangle on it, using a red line. "Based on the desert's climate I calculated their possible location which is somewhere in that triangle" He explained as he was driving out of the parking. "What distance does it cover?" I asked and looked outside, we were already leaving the city and entering the desert.

"It's an area of ten miles, but don't be fooled... visibility there is low, we won't be able to track them easily" He warned me and sped up, there were no other cars on the road so we were free to hurry. Both of us wanted to be done with this whole story. "How will we scan the whole area? We can't run around with the car" I asked.

"We'll use this sand dune as an watchtower to locate their position" He explained and put his finger on a spot on the map, right outside the border of the triangle. "So we will stay in the ruins you told me earlier?" I asked and he nodded. "I wouldn't expect us to find them the first day so we'll use it as a camp" He explained. We were now entering pure desert with no roads.

"We have to walk it from here, the car can't move on sand" He told me and we got off the car, grabbed our guns and supplies and started walking towards the direction he had pointed out. The sun was extremely hot and after mere minutes I could feel sweat going down through my fur. It was exhausting to walk on such unstable ground and it require every last bit of energy I had to continue moving steadily. Dante didn't seem to be having any trouble but it was obvious that he was going slower in order for me to catch up.

"How many miles until the ruins?" I asked but he didn't answer immediately, he was thinking about it. "The whole desert is about 9.2 square km so.... we still have thirty miles and maybe less" He told me. That wasn't helping, the distance was too big for me to walk under that sun! I guess I had miscalculated when I first came here. "Don't worry, time will fly faster than you think" He said, trying to make me feel better.

I mustered all the strength I had and kept on going, I was determined to get through this alive and go back to Judy with a smile and a dead rabbit.... that sounded better in my head so I didn't tell it to Dante.

Thankfully the desert's part were going through was now straight forward with barely any sand dunes. That made my life a bit easier and gave me courage, I tried to make happy thoughts in order to forget my exhaustion. "Can I ask you something?" Dante asked me out of the blue. "Yeah sure..." I said without really thinking about it. "How important is it.... you know, being in love?" He asked me, yeah I had forgotten that.

"It is so important that I went to another continent and learned how to kill in order to protect the one I love" I told him and he sighed, I felt sorry for him. "That's good, thanks" He told me and went back to being silent. Most would think that all this silence of his was his tough guy act but it wasn't. He was born without any emotions... the part of the brain that creates feelings was dead and so he couldn't feel anything. I remember when we met in high school... we were best friends back then.

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