The Big Hug (#Elarah)

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Ok, so is is what's going on with Sarah and Elijah. They are two of my buddies at my school, and I've shipped them for a while now, and guess what??? THEY STARTED DATING!!! ACKKK!!!! MY SHIP!!! So uh, this is just gonna be about everything that's happening with them in their relationship....because they're friggin adorable. First I'll explain their personalities, cuz why nawt.

Sarah: Okie, so Sarah is nice, and kewl, and she curses sometimes but not a lot at all. She is an Aries and wears sweatshirts a lot. (>:3) She is somewhat athletic, likes to draw, and is derpy. She's pretty tough and is a bit of a Tsundere...she gets really embarrassed at the mentioning of her undying love for her boyfriend, Elijah...heheh.

Elijah: Don't even get me started. He's like Spark from team Instinct (ugh...I'm Valor). He dabs a lot, is pretty inappropriate, but he's nice and funny, so it's all good. He likes Undertale too...he's a Scorpio I'm pretty sure. He's your stereotypical that one guy.

Ok, so today is the day that Elijah got the guts to ask out Sarah! Yay! I had teased Sarah before and actually figured out that she actually did like him, but I had never gotten anything from Elijah, except for when I asked him he said he didn't deny it or agree. But he didn't deny I took that as a yes. Guess I was right too!

We were at recess, and everyone was heading to the school to go back in, until Elijah suddenly said, "Dare me to ask out Sarah?" And of course I was freaking out, yelling out w chorus of yeses, and he ran over to her, yelled "Hey Sarah, will you go out with me? Jk I got oreo'ed, lol." And ran away. WELP, SO LONG FOR MY SHIP. Or so I thought...mwheheheh....

I ran over to Sarah, and I said "I bet you'd want to..." And she blushed, which was a yes in the mystical Sarah language. So I ran inside, looking around, and found him poking a wall. He probably wanted me to come over there, that's what people do. Act like their doing something when their actually silently praying for help with their love problems...well that might be me. Except I don't like anyone so I have no love problems....

So I said that she said she would, and he said ok, and I went back to class. That was our last class of the day so after that he came over to my locker and said that he was gonna ask her out for real. By then I was dead...literally, I was long gone. I had a fangirl attack, said wait for me so I could watch, but I ended up getting my backpack stuck so he went without me. ;-;

Anyways he came back after that and said that when he asked her she had hung her head, mumbled yes, and he has come back. So we waited outside the door for her to come, because her dad is always there right when we get out. Eventually she came out, and she was blushing like crazy, just like I expected her ended up with me telling them to hug before she had to go, and they hugged. I was even more dead that before after that...too much fangirling isn't healthy...

Then Elijah, my bro ShadesandLights and I sat down to wait for our ride to come pick us up. I made a ton of fan art....aaaand here's my FanFiction. I'll make fluff in different realities later on, but I'll mostly be keepi you in touch with their relationship! Oh, and if you want you can leave dares or questions for them, I'll take a video of them doing it! But...maybe no smooching quite yet. It's only been a day...

WELL THATS ALL, BYE! Oh, and their ship name is #Elarah! It sounds like some African disease or something XD Well goodbye everyone, and have a good day! (Oh, and the picture above is Sarah. Haha!)

~ Noodle 🍜

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