Raise The Barn Roof (#Elarah)

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Ah, Elarah. My OTP. I swear I'll start adding more ships soon, but Elarah is just to adorable! A shy emo athletic bean; and the weird, meme-y one that makes absolutely zero sense. *shrug* Well they finally got more comfortable around each other, and Sarah finally got the guts to make a move! (After one of my amazing pep-talks. I could be a counselor, that sounds really fun...) Well, begin the reenaction!
It had been a looooooong day for me. But finally, it was time for recess! In other words: the best time of the day. I ran out of math class and down the hallway, seeing OJ coming out of whatever class she was in. We walked outside together, me running ahead to the Pride Rock, or for the holidays, Santa's Workrock.

Elijah had mentioned asking Sarah about comfort stuffs in their relationship. That was gonna be some quality fangirl material right there...(a ton of other shipping happened that day, and I'll probably make another chapter on that. But for now, TIME SKIIIIIP!)

So, after a while, Elijah decided to ask Sarah about things. They were in the field, him sitting and Sarah pacing around him uncomfortably. Poor bean.
"SIT DOWN!" I mouthed, not wanting to ruin the moment. Oh yeah, I was standing a bit away, watching and trying not to scream of adorableness. OJ, Raine, and Alyssa were there too, after following me.

So Sarah sat down, a blush painfully obvious on her face, and she buried her hands in her knees. Elijah went on about how he was respectful of her space, and if she wasn't ok with him kissing her and stuffs, then he wouldn't be offended by her telling him she wasn't comfortable. He asked her if she was ok with it, and she said no, that she thought they needed more time, as a couple.

I WAS READY TO KILL HER. MY SHIIIIIP! Q-Q I dragged her a little bit away, getting ready to give her one of my famous pep talks. We talked for a second, and it went like this.
"Sarah, why the heck did you say that."
" . . ."
"I think we can both agree that you're fine with being close to him.
"I dunnoooo..."
"Well then go out there and tell him, broseroni!"

So then she went over there to her man, said she was actually ok with it and she was a frickin drama queen and wanted to make it anime style when it didn't need to be...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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