A Brother's Bestfriend and The Delinquent

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Description/ Chapter 1: Going Home

Ava Blacksmith was 6 month's away from turning nineteen. She had been in jail for the past five year's, and it was a surprise when the prison guard had told her to pack her non-existent shit and get out. She had been shocked, and even a little sad. 

She was going to miss her boy's, and even her cell. This place had been home for the past five year's. Her boy's were the only company she had while her 'so called family' never even visited. She had made relationship's, friendship's, enemies, and many more thing's in jail. And she wasnt sure if she was ready to give it up. 

She'd rather be in jail than to be where she wasnt wanted. And it was obvious when her brother's, nor her mother visited, that she wasnt wanted anymore. The only one who ever visited her was her sperm-donor and she'd rather get stun gunned again than for him to be here. 

Ava was in her clothes that she walked in her with, a pair of cut of black jean short's that was singed on the bottom's, a half crop top that was ripped and showed off most of her bra, only covering her cleavage. Her white high top's that were splattered with blood and a black spiky belt. 

She walked out of her cell and walked into the cafeteria where half the jail mates were. When they heard the metal door slam behind me, everyone turned and went silent. After a moment of everyone staring at me, and me staring back at them, daja-vou hit me hard. 

It was exactly like when I came here the first time. Only then I wasnt even fourteen and I had been terrified on the inside. I was the only girl in the whole jail, and everyone had stared at me. Of course me and my pride couldnt have anyone of them think i was weak, I stared- no glared back at them. My back straight and my chin raised. 

Movement in the crowd snapped me back into reality and I saw a head of black and white hair headed toward me. I felt my lip's twitch at the corner's, a tiny smile reaching my face. My brown eyes connected with a pair of black one's and my smile widened. 

I walked calmly forward, meeting him halfway. His arm's wrapped around my shoulder's, mine around his waist. He planted a fatherly kiss on the crown of my head and squeezed me tighter before letting go. 

" Micky-" I started, my voice not as confident as it usually was. I was going to miss him, so much. Micky Donner's was probably one of the oldest people in here, with his black and white hair. His tanned skin and slight wrinkles. Her black eyes could stare anyone day, making them shake in their boot's- besides me. 

That's how I came to know Micky. I had been in the cafeteria on the second day of being here, and the table I was at was empty. Micky and a couple of other guy's came up to me and wanted to start trouble. Micky had told me to scram, yet I didnt move a muscle. Didnt even look at him. Just told him to fuck off. 

I remember everyone going silent, staring at the new coming drama. I had finally looked at Micky, our eyes clashing together. I heard everyone take a sharp breath, but I never looked away from Micky. I glared at him with everything in me, and tensed when his hand came up. Though it never hit me, instead he pet my head and sat next to me, eating his food. 

Ever since that day, we've been together. he was the father I had alway's wanted, and I was the daughter he never got. Micky was the kind to everyone here, and anyone who didnt know it, got either killed or beat down. 

" Shush now child. You say goodbye and you walk out that door, head held high and you never look back." His old wise voice floated though my ear's, making me bite my lip. I hesitantly nodded before quickly hugging him again. 

I then walked over to my personal group of boy's. AJ, Danny, Arrow, and Pepsy. Dont ask about Pepsy, it's a long story..... 

" If you guy's ever get out, I swear if you dont come find me I will castrate you all and then make you choke on your own dick's." I threatened before pulling them all into hug's. The people around us all chuckled, but my boy's all cupped their 'goods'. 

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