Chapter 2: Holy Shit!!

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Dom's POV

I heard the doorbell go off, and then Timmy's shout consisting of him screaming he was going to get it. I chuckled slightly but then focused on shooting the whore with a tiny blue bikini on. I heard Luke mutter a few curse word's and smirked to myself. 

I could hear Timmy talking, but I ignored him. That was until he came into the living room, screaming. 

" Dom! Dom! Dom!!" I sighed in annoyance. 

" What Timmy?" I tried to keep the annoyance out of my voice, but I could tell a bit of it slipped in. 

" We have guest." I mentally snorted at him. Like I care about guest! I waved my hand in a what ever motion before returning to my video game. Just five more kill's!!

" But they have uniform's and they brought a girl. She's weird!" he said, an unknown emotion in his voice that i couldnt understand. It was a couple second's later that his word's registered in my head. 

They brought a girl.......

I felt my blood freeze in my vien's. It couldnt be Ava because the Prison was more than 2 hour's away, and I only got the call about half an hour ago. Officially freaked out, I quickly shot up from my seat on the couch. 

The controller fell, pausing the game. Luke made a sound, but I didnt register it. 

" This can't be right. It's wrong. It's to early!" I mumbled to myself, barley noticing Timmy pass me to sit in one of the leather chair's. I continued to walk toward the door, my eyes staying low, lost in thought. 

I flicked my eyes up, only to flip them back down. My eyes quickly flew back up, seeing the girl leaning against the opening of the living room, not even 4 feet in front of me. I jumped back from shock, exclaiming, 

" Holy Shit!" I heard something hit the floor, and just assumed Luke fell from my shocking outburst. I felt my face pale, and me eyes widen even more from the girl in front of me. Her long brown hair, almost black reached to well around the bottom of her back. Her tan skin, decorated with scar's and tattoo's. 

Her dark brown eyes, exactly like my own were staring at me coldly. I saw the flash of anger in her eyes, before they settled into the cool mask again. After about staring at eachother for five minute's, she moved. 

I stepped back automatically, and noticed her jaw tighten slightly. I would have never noticed if I wasnt paying so much attention to her. She stood up straight, yet her posture was anything but relaxed. Her eyes still staring into my own. 

" Brother......." I heard two sharp intakes of breath behind me, but I made to move. I was still stuck staring into the eyes of my sister. Ava. She was here. She's actually in front of me. 

" Holy Shit!" I heard Luke exclaim, almost exactly like me. I could picture his eyes wide and his mouth dropped open. I heard some one get up, and felt them near me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Timmy running toward's Ava. 

Just as he was about to pass me, I flung my arm out, catching him in the chest. I heard his intake of breath and mentally winced. His head snapped to mine, and he stared at me incredulously. 

" What's wrong?" He snapped at me, his eyes darting back to Ava. My own looked at her, only to see her eyes on Timmy. The coldness that was there earlier, wasnt anymore. Her posture was more relaxed, but still tense, and her eyes followed his every movement. 

" Timmy....." I drifted off as two officer's suddenly came barging in. The one closes to Ava quickly grabbed her and slammed her against the wall. Since she was staring at Timmy, she didnt realize until to late what was happening. 

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