The First Page

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Kuroko no Basuke X Slenderman

Crossover Fanfic



CHAPTER 2: The First Page



"It must be a prank," Said Kagami as he crossed his arms, eyes with stern resolve.

"It can't be a prank, Kagami-kun," Well, leave it to Kuroko to counter him.

The sudden flare in the teal haired boy's eyes gave Kagami a slight hesitance in his resolve.

"But there was nobody here," Aomine said as well.

Kise's yellow eyes widened slightly, "Unless... What I saw a while back was..."

"You saw someone?" Kuroko asked with interest.

"I thought it was Aominecchi, but since it was dark, I couldn't see it well,"

Aomine glared, "Oh, so now you're racist as well?"

"No!! I'm serious-ssu!" Kise pouted.

"So if it wasn't Aomine... So who was it?" Kagami swallowed the lump in his throat and eyed on the three.

Kuroko sighed and broke the silence, "Obviously, it was Slenderman,"

"But Kurokocchi! He's not true!"

"Honestly, I don't think so too," He crossed his arms, as if thinking, "But a friend I had back in grade school went missing during our fieldtrip. They found him the next day with his internal organs wrapped in plastic,"

"Damnit, Tetsu, if you're making up stories again I'm gonna punch you hard-"

"Do I look like I'll be joking about a life and death situation, Aomine-kun?"

Aomine shut himself up after that. Kagami stepped closer to the car and cleared his throat, "So uh... What do we do?"

"We should head to the shelter now-ssu!" Kise yelled.

"I go with the blonde," Kagami nodded.

"Then lead the way, Kagami-kun," Kuroko said.

"Wha- Kuroko you-!!" Kagami stopped himself and then looked away, huffing, "... Fine!"

They walked southwards, close to one another, cautious and alert. Only Kagami's flashlight was on whilst the rest were off and walking side-by-side behind him.

Suddenly, they heard a noise.

"Shit- what the-?!"

Kuroko turned off the flashlight and smacked his hand on Aomine's mouth, silencing him from further yelling out through the silence of the night.

They quieted down, eyes scanning the area for any movements. Kagami could only gulp. All he could hear was his heartbeat reverberating through his eardrums.

Minutes passed. Then more.

Kuroko removed his hands from Aomine's mouth and whispered, "I think it's gone,"

"I can't stand this-ssu! Can't we run already?!" Kise yelled.

Before anything else was spoken, Kagami had already started walking in long strides, flashlight directed down. Kuroko followed behind him and Aomine beside Kise too. Though Kuroko wasn't as afraid as Kagami, the unknown being after them was giving him the creeps.

A couple of minutes passed and Kuroko started hearing his heartbeat in his ears too. They reached a clearing already.

"Kagami-kun, slow down," He said, out of breath.

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