Two Pages

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Chapter 6: Two Pages



The moment they stepped into the tiled establishment, cold air and eerie silence greeted them, accompanied by never ending echoes of their footsteps. They had already passed two empty rooms: one with a chair and one with nothing.

The cold just seemed to get colder with each step they took, and Kuroko couldn't help but huddle closer to his new light.

They passed by another room, still empty, and behind them was a hallway leading outside.

"Would you prefer to stay outside Kuroko?" Kagami asked, earning a strong jab to his side by the shadow.

"Are you telling me to leave, Kagami-kun?"

"No! I'm asking if you wanna stay outside!"

"Still the same."

Kise laughed and elbowed Aomine, "They remind me of you guys when we're in Teiko,"

Aomine huffed in response, glaring at the blond, "I'm not a total airhead. And I ain't that insensitive," He drawled out and gave Kise a sharp but a smug look, "But you haven't changed at all,"

"That's so mean-ssu! I did change. And you're still an airhead too." Kise chose not to continue his statement anymore and just turned away, "Woah. Look, another chair,"

And right at the corner where the hallway turns, a chair was toppled over to its side.

"Do you want to take a break, Kise-kun?" Kuroko asked.

Kise shivered at the thought, "Why would I?! Sitting there would just be plain creepy!!"

"It's just a chair geez." Aomine stated, kicking the furniture even further to the hallway.

Kagami rolled his eyes, "That's situated quite eeriely in the corner of the hallway." He looks to the right and swipes his flashlight towards it, "Looks like we've got another hallway to go."

"Damn," The blue-haired ace of Touo sighed and then continued onwards, followed by the rest of the group.

A blank and still cold room greeted them on the left, and when Kuroko stepped in, something white and familiar caught his eyes. On the wall beside the door, there stood a note, blending with the grayish hue of the darkness.

"Here it is," Kuroko stated.

Kise peeped in and flashed his light on the page. The words: 'NO NO NO NO' were repeatedly scrawled on the page with Slenderman's figure drawn in the middle.

"That looks so cute," Kise beamed out.

Aomine smacked him upwards, "Not when it's trying to kill us it ain't!"

"He draws like a kid," Kagami pointed out, examining the note.

Aomine facepalmed, sighing exaggeratedly, "You guys are airheads."

"Says the other one." Kuroko muttered, earning a glare from his ex-light.

"Great, 3 notes down, 5 left! Let's not waste anymore time!" Kise chimed, shoving the note in his pocket and marching out.

Aomine and the other two sighed. But not that of exasperation, but more of wonder at how Kise could stay so positive despite their situation. None of them really minded it though. It was more of a light none of them could match with his bubbly and lively personality- far from Kagami and Aomine's wild antics and Kuroko's passive self.

All thoughts were cut short when they heard a heart-wrenching shout from outside.

"Kise!!" Aomine hollered out, dashing outside and catching sight of black tentacles skidding past him.

He was frozen in fear for a second before he heard Kise call out to him. He quickly reacted to his instincts- fighting had been his third specialty afterall- so when his fist collided with something other-worldy, he didn't care. All he knows is that their attacker backed out and the tentacles retracted.

"Kise, run!!" He yelled.

And it wasn't just the blond who ran, but also Kagami and Kuroko too. Aomine dashed after them, hearts pounding as they rounded the corner where the chair was at. Aomine even took the liberty to throw the said furniture behind him, hoping that it slowed down their pursuer.

"Guys! Over here!" Kagami yelled out when they got outside, courtesy of the middle exit of the establishment.

They followed him into what looks like a field of old and rusty tankers. They skidded down to a stop behind one and collapsed on their knees. Cold sweat was dripping down their chins and their heartbeats reverberated loudly within their ears.

"Shit... Shit...!" Kagami hissed wiping his sweat off his forehead, "What the fuck Kise? What happened?!"

"He was there! How was I supposed to know?!" Kise yelled back, voice shaking and eyes wide from fear, "Damnit he...!" He choked back the sob forming in his voice, choosing to stop himself from talking and just burrowing his face in his hands, breathing sharply.

Aomine sent a glare at the redhead, "The fuck's your problem, Bakagami? You can't just question him like it doesn't matter."

"I- No! That..." Kagami put his arms infront of him defensively before scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "No... Sorry... I mean..."

Kuroko elbowed both of his lights rather sharply and pointed a finger at each, "If you two won't shut up, I'll bait him to get both of you noisy lights."

"I'm not the bad guy, Tetsu! He is!"

Kuroko lowered his voice, "I said enough! He'll hear you!"

True to what Kuroko had said, they both kept quiet, hoping that Slenderman didn't hear them. Kuroko sighed and leaned down, inspecting the small gap from the tankers to the ground to see if there were any legs standing somewhere close.

There was none.

Relieved, he slumped back to lean on the tankers and looked up.

Only to find another note on the tanker infront of them.

Aomine seemed to notice it too, "Lucky break," He said smugly and crawled to retrieve it. He let the rest read it. It was a plain drawing of trees, a cabin, and Slenderman- all in the same style as the other notes.

"Four left," Kagami stated with a grin, but it slowly faded and his face paled.

"Kagami-kun...?" Kuroko questioned, following his light's gaze and landing on a pair of feet hidden by one of the tankers on their left.

"Shit... Shit... Oi, Kise, get up... Get up!" Aomine pulled the blond up and they ran off after Kagami and Kuroko.

With four pages left and Slenderman hot on their trails, they ran blindly across the forest of darkness.







Chissu! I hope you enjoyed the story! So sorry for not updating for a while, but I did make it worth-it, right? ;)

Hope you enjoyed the two pages! Nyahahaha! xD

(What a rush. lol )

Leave a lovely review and don't forget to like!

More AoKise & KagaKuro on the way!!

Signing Out


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